Friday, January 21, 2005

Democracy is the new name for peace.

Michael Novak writing for National Review:
Since leftists today rarely celebrate the dynamism of economic liberty, parties of the left are slow to become excited by the challenge of bringing liberty to other cultures. Their anti-capitalist tendencies are so powerful that they loathe the economic system of free societies. They tend to argue that peoples in other civilizations do not hunger for "our kind" of liberty, are not "ready" for it, cannot make it work.

By contrast, the first principle of the parties of the Center Right is the dynamic power of liberty — in culture, in politics, in economics. The parties of the Center Right aim to open the way to liberty in every culture and nation on the planet. They hold that liberty is written into the inner workings of three distinctively human activities — insight, judgment, and choice. All three are personal actions. All three are free. ...

A grasp of this background narrative — that liberty is the mainspring of history — is essential to a discussion of the Era of Terrorism. For in attacking terrorism, we must formulate an alternative — the state of the world we are trying to establish, a world in which free societies replace tyrannies. This end clarifies all the means, strategies, tactics, and actions deployed toward that end. The reason is that free societies tend to treat one another by way of persuasion, not force. more
A worthwhile read.