Saturday, February 12, 2005

Still more MEMRI TV Videos

MEMRI TV Project latest video clips:
Clip #538: Producer of Anti-Semitic Iranian TV Series "Zahra's Blue Eyes": A White Zionist Ship Sails Around the World, Kidnapping Babies to Use Their Organs

An excerpt: "There is a white ship sailing the oceans. It doesn't enter the territorial waters of Iran or similar countries. Our Arab brothers must look out for this ship. In it [the Zionists] hold children only one or two years old, who don't know anything. These are children no one cared for. They are kidnapped by various means under the pretext of wanting to take care of them. These children are held on this ship, and no one knows their fate. They become teenagers, not knowing what their fate will be. They receive the best medical care and are under constant physical monitoring and supervision. Why do [the Zionists] give them such care? To use them for medical purposes. They use the heart, the kidneys, and their other organs."
To View Video Click Here.

Clip #534: Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: Freedom Means Freedom to Establish Islamic Religious Law, Not Freedom for Secularism

An excerpt: "When the tyrannical regime in Iran fell, the Shah's regime, which worked for the Americans, and ruled the people by bloodshed, oppression, prisons, and blood, when this regime fell, and Khomeini came to power, they held a referendum: Do you want to be ruled by Islamic law? Ninety-nine percent said: Yes, we want Islamic law. Therefore, freedom should be in the service of Islam. I think that our peoples, for the most part-- there is a faction that has become secularist, Western, and Marxist -- but the vast majority of this people still believes that Islam is the solution and the source of authority and the foundation. They don't want to import anything from the East or from the West."
To View Video Click Here.