Tuesday, September 20, 2005

They Are All "Drugged"

I felt compelled to respond to news, published on our front page, that a teenager was forced against his will to bomb a Shi'a mosque in Iraq. The attack failed as the young man fled the scene; he later admitted to being forced to carry out this mission after being kidnapped, badly beaten and drugged by terrorists. A US military report confirmed his version of events.

He was not the only one; all terrorists are heavily sedated. They are drugged by a media, which gives credence to false stories, written according to its author’s mood, added to fabricate pictures and selected from an angle that serve the interest of terrorist groups, be it former Baath party members or Islamic extremists. READ MORE

Truly, they have been drugged by speeches made in mosques, promises of beautiful virgins in paradise and statements signed by those with no knowledge of jihad except empty words and slogans. They have been tricked by leaders who continue to call for a definition of terrorism at a time when it is urgent to define resistance!

The murder of thousands of innocent civilians and soldiers in Iraq is terrorism. so is the case in Saudi Arabia. The bombings in Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco, and Qatar are also a form of terrorism. Similarly, killing oneself aimlessly in the Palestinian territories is not resistance; it is an attempt to thwart the policies of the Palestinian Authority. This is why a definition of terrorism is needed immediately.

Our youth is being taken advantage of for political gains. They are being traded on Iraq’s frontiers and elsewhere. Those with political goals are using the young to fuel their designs. One only needs to count the numbers of failed terrorists who admitted they had not been aware they might be killed.

Those returning from Iraq and others arrested for taking part in the insurgency have repeatedly expressed their surprise at finding former members of the Baath Party with fully grown beards, once far removed from religion, leading a group of gullible young men and using them to further their own aims in Iraq . Others also use these youngsters and facilitate their movement hoping to reap the fruits of the violence they will engage in. The day will come when Iraqis will discover the facts for themselves!

It is not putting the blame on one person or another. Instead, we must hold to account the peddlers of slogans and rumors and put an end to the sedation of our youth and this spiral f violence. Those who trade in human flesh and destruction must know their words will be judged and punished. The Saudi religious edicts following the latest call by Abu Musab al Zarqawi, the source of much evil, to target all Shi'a in Iraq, must be accompanied by concrete efforts by those who seek to protect religion from those terrorists who have tarnished its image and tricked our youth.