Sunday, September 11, 2005

The political/security deputy governor of Kurdistan killed

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzzi
Based on received reports from Sanandadj (Kurdistan Province) on Tuesday, September 6th, political/security Deputy Governor of Kurdistan, Jamshidi, was killed in a car crash along with one of his children. Jamshidi, who was driving with his family to Sanandadj, was the superintendent of the region of Marivaan, in Kurdistan.

The most thought-provoking factor in all this is that during the last two weeks, this is the second government official in Kurdistan who has presumably been killed in a car accident. On August 8th, Rahman Abazari, the superintendent of the region of Boukan, in Kurdistan was killed in a hauntingly similar car accident while driving to Boukan with his wife and children.

It is alleged that these accidents have been in fact orchestrated and that this is all a part of the regimes own internal purge. Sources indicate that elements close to Ahmadinejad have their eyes on governmental jobs in Kurdistan.