Monday, February 06, 2006

Three more executed in Iran

SMCCDI (Information Service):
Three more Iranians were executed, yesterday, after having been accused of being "thugs" and for having "disrupted public security". These public executions took place in the northeastern City of Sabzevar.

The news of the executions was reported by the official "Khorassan Daily" but the names of these victims were not reveled.

Sabzevar was the scene of several riots, which took place two years ago, and it's believed that the three victims were in reality exasperated Iranians who had stood up against the Islamic regime's forces' use of brutality. READ MORE

Tens were injured or killed during the clashes which sparkled under the motif of the Khorassan province's spilt between four new administrative entities. Several public buildings were damaged by protesters who retaliated to the brutal attacks made by militiamen.

Public executions, in Iran, are common as the theocratic regime uses them in order to show to the population the consequences of what can happen due to the expression of their aspiration for a total change.

The Islamic republic regime is known for using false labels, such as, "Kidnapping", "Armed Robbery", "Murder", "Drug Trafficking", "Spying" or "Banditism" in order to qualify some of its exasperated opponents. Such policy helps its European, Asian and S. American partners to justify the continuation of their economic relations with a repressive regime vis-à-vis their public opinions.