Saturday, March 05, 2005

Our Schemes and Theirs

Adventures of Chester reports:
Two stories have been largely under-reported this week. Or at least under-thought about. Both deserve some special attention.

Earlier this week, The American Thinker posted an article entitled, The Next Domino by Douglas Hanson. [h-t: Regime Change Iran.] Hanson deserves credit for thinking outside the box on possible US action. He formulates something other than "invade or bomb" which is the conventional wisdom, and his article raises many intriguing questions. Hanson's thoughts deserve the full treatment...

Next, via sometime Adventures contributor, USMC_Vet over at The Word Unheard, Michael Scheuer, of CIA various punditry fame, writes in The Jamestown Foundation that Al Qaeda has completed a cycle of warnings that Sunni scholars warned had to take place before the next mass-casualty attack against Americans.

Read the full report here.