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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Europe and Iran - Washington Times

Is the EU's proposal to Iran repeating the Clinton Administrations mistake it made with North Korea? Excerpt:
Iran has been demanding an exemption for part of the uranium conversion process which could move it closer to production of bomb-grade uranium. Such an arrangement would make it "too easy for Iran to conduct the next conversion step in secret," said physicist David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security.

...recent history suggests that it would likely violate such a deal anyway. Over the past year, the IAEA has issued at least three reports documenting Iranian cheating. One such report, issued last November, showed that Iran has been deceiving the international community about its efforts to develop nuclear weapons for almost 20 years. In June, two months after Iran agreed to suspend its nuclear program, the IAEA issued a report suggesting that Iran continued to produce items that can be used to build nuclear weapons. In April, that report noted, Iran promised to suspend production of centrifuge parts. Two months later, while the centrifuge production had been halted at three state-run facilities, it continued at three private companies, the IAEA reported. more