Week in Review
DoctorZin provides a review of this past week's [10/02-10/08] major news events regarding Iran. (The reports are listed in chronological order, not by importance)
Ahmadinejad - Weakened by The Supreme Leader.
- Rooz Online reported that the "Supreme Leader" is turning to Rafsanjani for help with Ahmadinejad.
- Iran Press News reported that Rafsanjani is now meeting with diplomats in what is believed to be an attempt to calm the fears of western diplomats over recent statements by Ahmadinejad's government.
- Hamid Ahadi, Rooz Online reported that Ahmadinejad threatened Rafsanjani.
- Gareth Smyth, The Financial Times reported that Iran's fundamentalist president, recently met other senior leaders in Tehran and suggested they should not worry unduly about growing western pressure.
- Bill Samii, Radio Free Europe reported a major development in the Iranian government. The Supreme Leader endorsed a change, which gives the unelected Expediency Council supervisory powers over the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.
- Karl Vick, The Washington Post reported on Iran's Supreme Leader's recent weakening of President Ahmadinejad and the strengthening of Rafsanjanji.
- Reuters reported that Iran's presidential office denied the president had given an interview to a Gulf paper which quoted him as saying Tehran may hold back on oil sales if its nuclear program is referred to the U.N. Security Council.
- The Globe & Mail in response to Ahmadinejad's denial the newspaper said it stands by the story.
- Islamic Republic News Agency reported that Majlis Speaker Gholamali Haddad Adel said: If Israel goes mad enough to target Iranian nuclear sites as it did against Iraqi installations in 1991, Iran would give it a lesson which it could not forget forever.
- Iran Press News reported that the Revolutionary Guard spokesman said: The danger of having to submit to the west is more dreadful than the referral of our nuclear dossier to the U.N. Security Council.
- Iran Press News reported that 110 workers of the Bushehr nuclear plant were fired.
- The Guardian UK reported that the United States urged governments to end nuclear projects with Iran.
- RIA Novosti reported that the Russian Foreign Ministry urged Iran to comply with the additional protocol to the International Atomic Energy Agency.
- Breitbart.com reported Iran's airwaves have been buzzing with two new tunes designed to rally public support for the regime's increasingly tense stand-off with the West over its nuclear ambitions.
- David R. Sands, The Washington Times reported Iran's new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has placed the military firmly in control of his nation's nuclear program.
- Iran Press News reported that Rafsanjani said recently: we hope that in the case of the our nuclear dossier as well, our adversaries do not do anything risky because it will have calamitous result for them.
- Indian Express reported the Indian government has no intention of giving its Left wing opposition any prior commitment on the Iran issue.
- Dow Jones Newswires reported that Russia rejected the European tactic of pressuring Iran on its nuclear program.
- Dow Jones Newswires reported that Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said that Iran hopes to gain support among countries in the Persian Gulf in its confrontation with the West over Tehran's disputed nuclear program.
- Middle East Online reported that Iran said it would not accept resuming negotiations with Britain, France and Germany on its nuclear program if the EU continued to insist the Islamic republic abandon fuel cycle work.
- India Express reported that South Africa has put forth a proposal to end the standoff with Iran on their nuclear program.
- Yahoo News reported that Iran's new uncompromising stance over their nuclear program is worrying some Iranian officials and leading to overt criticism.
- Interactive Investor reported that one of Iran's most prominent diplomats, Mohammad Javad Zarif, has resigned as a member of the country's nuclear negotiating team.
- Arash Motamed, Rooz Online provided valuable insight into Iranian thought on their current nuclear crises. I recommend it.
- Iran Press News reported that Friday, October 7th, the regime will stage orchestrated protests supporting the continuation of the regime's hazardous nuclear activities.
- Iran Press News quoted Mohammad El Baradei, in an interview with Al Jazeera TV, said: Trust in Tehran's regime has expired. He added he will not attest to the peacefulness of the regime's nuclear activities and that he has come to a crossroads.
- Xinhuanet reported that Iran will not invite EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana to the next round of nuclear talks with France, Britain and Germany saying: Iran is not satisfied with Solana's negative attitude toward Iran's nuclear program.
- San Jose Mercury reported that Russia's foreign minister dismissed speculation that Moscow might join talks between Iran and European negotiators.
- The Jerusalem Post reported that Iran has made progress in its nuclear fuel cycle program.
- The Washington Times reported that the Bush administration expressed concern about the role of Iran's military in the country's nuclear programs.
- Nasser Karimi, The Guardian reported that Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told state-run TV that Iran would be entitled to put an end to unfettered inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency unless it changes its resolution on Iran.
- Soheil Asefi, Rooz Online interviewed Kamal Daneshyar, the chairman of the Majlis Energy committee, who called on the government to punish Britain and break off its diplomatic ties.
- TurkishPress reported that a top Iranian official said: Since the start of the crisis, Mohamed ElBaradei always resisted US pressure. But recently he has changed his position and his last report was very political.
- Khaleej Times reported that Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said that the next step by Iran in its nuclear program is to be starting the uranium enrichment process.
- The Financial Times reported that the European Union is considering restarting talks with Tehran.
- Iran Press News reported on the regime-orchestrated protests in support of nuclear activities.
- Iran Press News reported that Mullah Jannati, the Secretary of the Guardian Council of the regime, said: The problem with what we're doing is that sometimes fear gets the best of us and we can see that happening where the nuclear issues are concerned. We should not fear sanctions however.
- myTELUS reported that Mohammad Mohsen Sazgara, had been sentenced to five years in prison on charges of trying to topple the Islamic system.
- Eli Lake, The NY Sun reported on a leading Iranian dissident, Abbas Fakhravar, is planning his escape from the Islamic Republic after learning this weekend that the country's secret police have an order to shoot Mr. Fakhravar on sight. He is asking for US support for an internal regime change in Iran.
- Rooz Online reported on recent calls for the release of Abdolfattah Soltani, attorney for Akbar Ganji and the Kazemi family.
- Iran Press News reported that Dr. Roya Toloui, arrested in Iranian Kurdistan, is expected to be released on bail, today.
- Iran Press News reported on the first day of the trial of the Azadi Stadium defendants. The incident which took place on March 26th, 2005, after the end of the Iran/Japan Football (Soccer) match lead to the death of 7 spectators.
- Iran Press News reported that Massoumeh Babapour, a woman journalist, who disappeared on Monday, has been found, left for dead by her kidnappers having been stabbed 9 times.
- Iran Press News reported that a branch of the revolutionary court in the town of Sanandadj has issued a bail agreement in the amount of $10,000 each for two journalists.
- Iran Press News reported on the beatings, torture and threats of execution to political prisoners: Behrooz Javid-Tehrani, Javid-Tehran and Valiollah Fayz-Mahdavi.
- Iranian blogger, Morteza Abdolalian, Iran Watch Canada reported that Iranian dissident Afshari has left Iran , escaped 6 years imprisonment.
- Iran Press News reported that imprisoned activist; Payman Piran has had his visitation rights taken away.
- Iran Press News wife of imprisoned defense attorney, Abdolfatah Soltani has criticized the regime for failure to investigate the accusations leveled against her husband saying: Seventy days since Soltani's "temporary" arrest has passed and there have been no developments.
- Iranian blogger, Azarmehr, For a democratic secular Iran profiled Ahmadinejad's mentor, the mad Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi.
- Iran Focus reported that the Iranian capital’s police chief warned that State Security Forces would crack down on people eating in public during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
- SMCCDI reported that official warnings, threats, anti-riot maneuvers and barbarian acts are increasing in Iran.
- Iran Press News reported that the regime's own analysts are criticizing some of the extreme remarks made by Senior Iranian officials.
- Iran Press News reported that in Iranian Kurdistan, 23 wedding halls were closed down and pad-locked, charged with disobeying religious law. Security forces noticed a lack of respect for Islamic decency such as inappropriate [glittery] women's clothing, men and women dancing and celebrating together.
- Iran Press News reported that the Kurdish people's animosity with the Iranian government has nothing to do with a foreign conspiracy!
- Iran Press News reported that according to reports, Hossein Khodaayaari, Fine Arts student in Kerman University will be prosecuted on Nov. 16th, 2005.
- Farhad Mahdavi, Rooz Online reported that over the three-day weekend, residents of Tehran and its outer suburbs witnessed unannounced military exercises that involved the use of live munitions and firepower. They asked: Which threat needs to be cracked down?
- The Guardian UK reported that Britain and Iran clashed openly after a senior British official directly accused Tehran of supplying Iraqi insurgents with sophisticated roadside bombs that have killed eight British soldiers.
- The Telegraph UK reported that a British diplomat detailed how Iran's Revolutionary Guards were helping to arm not only their Shia co-religionists but also the Sunni extremists who are killing ordinary Shias.
- The Guardian UK:Tony Blair warned yesterday he will not be diverted from the debate over Iran's nuclear program.
- The Telegraph reported that a senior British official said that there was evidence that the Iranians were now in contact with Sunni Muslim insurgent groups fighting the coalition forces in Iraq.
- Fort Wayne News-Sentinel reported that Prime Minister Tony Blair said that new explosive devices used against coalition forces in Iraq "lead us either to Iranian elements or to Hezbollah." "We cannot be sure," Blair told a news conference, but "there are certain pieces of information that lead us back to Iran."
- The Times reported Tehran fiercely denied claims that it had supplied sophisticated weapons used to kill British troops in southern Iraq. Hamid Reza-Asefi of the Iranian foreign ministry said: Britain's conspiracies have been revealed and its scandal in Iraq has made London make up this lie.
- The Christian Science Monitor provided a recap of the world media's coverage of the news reports of the UK's allegation of Iran's support for the insurgents in Iraq.
- Michael Smith, The Sunday Times reported on how the Foreign Office tried in vain to bury Iran links in supporting the insurgency in Iraq.
- Ha'aretz reported that the aggressive policy of the U.S. is proving itself and the three-pronged "axis of evil" that President George W. Bush sketched is breaking apart.
- Lebanese Lobby reported that a well known minister in the Turkish parliament revealed that Steven Hadley, the American National Security advisor reported to the Turkish officials in his latest visit to Ankara, that Washington wants to use the "Angelink" air base, in its operations to get rid of the Syrian regime. Hmmmm.
- The Financial Times reported that the US and Britain on Thursday issued blunt warnings to Iran and Syria over their alleged involvement with terrorist groups, with Tony Blair declaring there was no justification for Tehran interfering in Iraq's affairs.
- The White House released a transcript of President Bush's speech on the War on Terror at National Endowment for Democracy.
- The White House then released a Fact Sheet: President Bush Remarks on the War on Terror.
- The Wall Street Journal reported that with President Bush's top advisers set to discuss U.S. policy toward Iran today, the State Department has circulated a briefing paper that proposes significantly expanding U.S. diplomatic contacts with Tehran.
- The Associated Press then reported that while the Bush administration ruled out expanded diplomatic contacts with Iran.
- David E. Sanger, The New York Times reported that President Bush declared in a speech that the United States and its partners had disrupted 10 serious plots since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
- Iran Press News reported onthe disastrous 3-day military maneuvers conducted by the Basij and Revolutionary Guards. They expected 20,000 Basij to take part but on only 1400 showed up and all did not go well among those that did.
- Jane's Defense Weekly is reporting that the Russian launch of Iran's first spy satellite has been delayed due to a malfunction.
- Middle East Newsline reported Britain is continuing to approve the export of military and security equipment to the Islamic republic.
- Iran Press News reported that $200 billion in capital has left Iran since Ahmadinejad's installation to presidency. It appears people are voting with their pocketbooks.
- Iran Press News reported that a million more people are added to the illiterate population of Iran.
- Science Daily reported that Iran will invest up to $50 billion in the oil sector over the next five years.
- Iran Press News reported that multi-national corporations investing in Iran will no longer be insured.
- Iran Press News reported that the governent is warning there will be a serious lack of fuel this winter in Iran, affecting power plants.
- Farnaz Ghazizadeh, Rooz Online discussed the problems of fighting economic corruption and Iranian Officials. 704 cases of abuse of power and government posts have been finalized and 395 other files are under review.
- Yahoo News reported that Iran could run out of oil reserves in nine decades.
- Reuters reported that Canadian Foreign Minister Pierre Pettigrew said they will put forward a resolution in the United Nations shortly accusing Iran of human rights violations. Faster please.
- Rooz Online asked: Is Iran about to make concessions on human rights?
- Mehrdad Sheibani, Rooz Online reported that the leader of the judiciary branch, Hashemi Shahroodi, ordered a list be provided him with the grounds for the release of 34 political prisoners.
- SMCCDIreported that at least two dozens of collective buses were set on fire, on Friday, after a football game played at Tehran's Azadi ('Freedom') Stadium.
- Iran Press News reported that after 9 months of non-receipt of their wages, 620 mine workers intensified their protests against Sangrood Mines.
- Iran Press News reported on the 3rd day of a sit-in by Fine Arts students protesting the issuance of suspension of two university terms of two of the fellow classmates.
- Iran Press News reported the 5th day of the Fine Arts University students' sit-in. After days of willful dereliction, the president of the university finally issued a statement.
- Iran Focus reported that Iran has set up a torture chamber in Baghdad where agents of its notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) have brutally tortured Iraqi youth.
- Micah Halpern, FrontPagMagazine explains why Gholam Ali Haddad Ade's trip to Lebanon and Syria is so important.
- BBC News reported that talks between Iranian and Saudi Arabian officials been postponed.
- Iran Press News reported IRI Embassy demanded the Japan Times correct an article on Iran's nuclear program that they claimed contained lies.
- Iranian.ws reported that Islamic Republic Broadcasting launched first Qoranic tv network on Thursday in Tehran.
- Iranian.ws reported that Ali Larijani met with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad on Wednesday and The two senior officials underlined the need for maintaining vigilance and integrity among Muslim states against the enemies' conspiracies.
- Baku TODAY reported while the United States has undertaken the construction of a radar installation near Iran's northern border, this military assistance from the United States, was not a threat to its neighbors.
- Iranian.ws conducted an online poll asking: As an Iranian, If (or when) time comes to choose between 'Islam or Iran', which one will you support? 91.4% chose Iran.
- Scott Peterson, The Christian Science Monitor discussed the concern Iranian musicians have of a potential crackdown on their work.
- Iranian blogger, ET, View from Iran said that fear of repression in Iran has lead many to become liars.
- Dr. DK reported that ten years in prison and 75 whips of the lash await an Iranian man being deported from Denmark to Iran.
- The Spirit of Man reported that Iran's justice minister spokesperson, angry that Canada is preparing a UN resolution condemning Iran's human rights record, said: Canada has a dark and poor record of human rights and these countries can't talk of human rights issues in Iran.
- Paul Owens, Orlando Sentinel quoted Ilan Berman's, author of Tehran Rising, as saying: the Islamist war against the United States" began with the Iranian Revolution, not the Sept. 11, 2001.
- Iranian blogger, ET, View from Iran provided tips for journalists visiting Iran.
- John Hall, Richmond Times discussing Ilan Berman's book, Tehran Rising, said one of the great ironies of the Iraq war was that Iraq's next-door neighbor, Iran, emerged as a big regional winner, at least temporarily.
- Erik Sass, Foreign Policy published a report of the MEK [and its desire now to become friends of the US] and said: With friends like these...
- Amir Taheri, Arab News reportted on an adventure that can backfire - The dangerous assumptions of Iran's war architect.
- Dan Darling, The Weekly Standard takes a close look at Iranian Brigadier General Qassem Suleimani and the Qods (Jerusalem) Force unit under his command and his efforts in Iraq. A must read.
- Winston, The Spirit of Man published a link to a good video on ancient Persia.
- Iranian blogger, Korosh, The Price of Freedom published photos of Iranian Guards practicing for demonstrations.
- Cox & Forkum published the cartoon: Rustler's Rhapsody.
- Cox & Forkum published the cartoon: Frontlines.
- Memri published excerpts from a debate on Iran's Jaam-e Jam 1 TV about 9/11. Video included.
- Atlas Shrugs found this great cartoon: Iran Considers the UN's Deal?
- RoozOnline published a cartoon: Rafsanjani is always No 2 in Islamic Republic.
- Iranian Student News Agency published photos of another anti-riot exercise by IRGC Special Units.
- Winston, The Spirit of Man published a photo of another fake demonstration: Students, Students... We Support You!
Hassan Abbasi, Ahmadinejad's chief strategic guru and architect of the so-called "war preparation plan" currently under way in Iran said:
"Once we have defeated the Anglo-Saxons the rest will run for cover..."