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Saturday, October 23, 2004

Breaking News: Iran nuclear deal 'tied to US election' - Al Jazeera

Analysts have said Iran will wait until after the US elections to respond to a European offer to avoid possible UN sanctions by indefinitely suspending uranium enrichment.

The analysts added the deal had no chance of success if the United States did not back the British-French-German offer, which includes non-nuclear items such as supporting Iran's joining the World Trade Organisation. more

Iran Moving Methodically Toward Nuclear Capability - LA Times

Iran has made steady progress toward producing nuclear fuel and could make significant quantities of enriched uranium in less than a year, according to new estimates by diplomats, scientists and intelligence officials.

Mastering enrichment will move Tehran a big step closer to being able to build an atomic bomb. Iran's progress already has intensified its confrontation with the United States and other countries that fear it is trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Despite persistent suspicions, however, a report due next month by the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency is not expected to provide proof that Tehran has a weapons program, diplomats said. more

Top News Updates:

Preparatory text for European proposals on Iran

EU says Vienna meeting with Iran "positive"

Europe and Iran to meet again next week on nuclear issue: diplomats
Turkish Press

EU, Iran meet again next week on nuclear offer

Indian scientists sanctioned for assisting Iran on nukes
Bill Gertz, Washington Times

US names Iran price Telegraph India

Analysis: Disunited Reformist Front In Iran Seeks Presidential Candidate RFRRL

U.S. Hostages Captured 25 Years Ago in Iran Come Forward and Speak With Media
PR Newswire

Armed Rebels Included in Incentive Offer From Europe

The Lethal Lot of the Poor
The Economist

Senior Iran MP says EU nuclear demands unacceptable
Khaleej Times Online

Iran before the storm Al-Haram Weekly

Iran claims $97.2b reparations from Iraq
Daily Times


Friday, October 22, 2004

Powell: Time To Refer Iran Nuclear Matter To UN Council - Wallstreet Journal

Secretary of State Colin Powell said Thursday that the the issue of Iran 's nuclear program needs to now be referred to the U.N. Security Council. In an interview with Abu Dhabi television, Powell said "it is time for the matter to be referred to the Security Council unless there is a complete change in attitude on the part of the Iranians, and they come into compliance with their obligation under IAEA strictures, and also in compliance with the commitments they made to the European Union." more

Doctorzin Note:

I want to thank everyone who contacted me and/or announced our "new and improved" web-site look on their own blogs. Your encouragement is appreciated. I hope it will make it easier to find the news you are looking for.

I am working on a number of interesting projects that I will be announcing soon. These projects are designed to educate and assist the people of Iran in taking back their country from the terror masters.

We are just getting started. Soon Iran shall be free.


PS MemriTV has a new video: Iranian TV Compares President Bush to "Mr. Hitler"

Top News Updates:

Israel bides its time on Iran Harinder Mishra, Asia Times

Iran Unlikely to Make Nuclear Concessions Yet Wallstreet Journal

Iran Press Service

Reza Pahlavi's Letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Iranian Journalists Protest Media Clampdown With Sit-in
Agence France Presse

John Kerry's Irangate?
Dr. Corsi,

The Axis of Evil Endorsement Ben Johnson,

Nuclear options Leader The Guardian

Iran's Nuclear Threat Editorial, NY Times

MEK Included in Incentive Offer From Europe Wallstreet Journal

Student union leader sentenced to flogging, prison time
Iran Focus


Thursday, October 21, 2004

Bush to Iran: Put Up Your Nukes

Any qualified student of history would attest to the concept that foreign policy is an ongoing process of trial and error. Very often, what worked in the past is quite worth replicating. However, the failure of a given policy might not indicate that it should never be tried again. The conditions by which a strategy failed in the past either might not exist today, or have changed enough to make it more viable under current circumstances.

A good example of this precept is our present state of diplomacy – or, maybe, lack thereof – with Iran, and how we are allowing the failures of the past in North Korea to prevent us from effecting what could be a winning strategy today.

DoctorZin Note:

I appeared on John Batchelor's Show on WABC, tonight with other Iran bloggers: Roger L Simon and Dan Darling. We had a great time and have been invited back for more updates in the future. If you aren't familiar with his broadcast you listen to it over the internet week nights from 10PM to 1AM. He is very informed and runs an excellent, fast paced broadcast.

Other News Updates:

Why The Left Hates Bush

Iran successfully tests improved Shihab-3 missile

Tehran shows defiance on eve of crucial nuclear arms talks by test-firing missile

Iran to propose new nuclear deal


Iran says it's prepared to reject a European offer aimed at defusing tension over its nuclear program

U.S. Won't Back Europe's Iran Nuke Incentive Plan

Iran Rejects the European Offer to Supply it With Nuclear Fuel

Iran indifferent to outcome of US presidential polls

Iran Defiance Threatens Euro Bid to End Nuclear Row

Powerful Revolutionary Guard get bigger appetite at crucial time


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Iran given nuclear deadline

Senior diplomats from France, Britain and Germany will meet top Iranian officials in Vienna on Thursday to offer Tehran a final chance to halt uranium enrichment plans or face possible U.N. sanctions.

"What will be sought on Thursday will be discussions about Iran's compliance -- not with any conditions laid down by the three of us but by the (International Atomic Energy Agency) board of governors," said Foreign Secretary Jack Straw.

Other News Updates:

Bush Receives Endorsement From Iran

Clashes between motorcyclists and security forces in central Iran

Minister Who Converted From Islam Risks Death Penalty in Iran

Reza's Iran Briefing: 2004-10-20

Khatami: Kerry, Bush both hostile to Iran

Iranian Ayatollah Cuts Ties With Sadr, Says Insurrection "Incorrect"

DoctorZin will be appearing on the John Batchelor Show on WABC, tonight at approximately 11:20PM EST.

Five more people executed in northern Iran


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Conflict with Iran is Inevitable.

We are now entering a very dangerous phase in our twenty-five year struggle with Iran.

Iran must stop President Bush from being reelected. They fear that President Bush will actively support a regime change in Iran in his second term. They must stop him.

A Kerry administration has already announced that it will seek a “thaw” in US/Iranian relations and will almost certainly follow down the path that President Jimmy Carter took which is a policy of appeasement. If they can succeed in ensuring the election of John Kerry as president, Iran is destined to be the super power in the Middle East and once a nuclear power, far more deadly.

I am hearing from multiple intelligence sources that Iran, Al Qaeda and their associates are planning a massive attack on the US or our troops before the November election.

Personally, I believe that Iraq or Afghanistan are more tempting targets for these terrorists since a massive and very deadly attack in Baghdad or other such sites could shift public opinion against the war in Iraq and towards John Kerry, while an attack on the US homeland will likely remind Americans that we are at war and thus need to re-elect President Bush.

But recent successes in Iraq are making their plans much more difficult to execute. I am hearing that Zarqawi has been severely weakened and that is why he has now pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda. He needs their help. This requires Iran who is protecting Al Qaeda leadership to be much more active in any such attack.

Whatever these terror masters are planning, it will be critical that the world understands who was behind these attacks, Al Qaeda and Iran. This is why the US is warning Iran not to support Zarqawi.

It also appears the US is increasing our attacks on Fallujah and elsewhere in Iraq in order to put the insurgents on the defensive and keep them from launching a successful coordinated offensive against us. Sadly I am hearing that the terrorists are confident that their attack will succeed. These terrorist are just awaiting the signal to execute their attack.

But since Iran is much more likely to be directly involved in the coming attack it puts them at greater risk of being exposed. Still, they are skilled at letting others take the responsibility for such attacks, just as they did with the bombings in Spain.

I also hear that Iran may not fear this exposure because they believe that the Islamic world will believe any evidence we bring forth to show Iran's involvement in the attack as just a US/CIA fabrication.

The next days or weeks are likely to prove crucial to our success in the war on terror.


Other News Updates:

'Democratic' Iran army wants to observe US polls

Iran ran away with the bomb

Analysis: Iran plays for time in nuclear standoff

US warns Iran against any support for Zarqawi

Iran’s satellite: a look at the implications

Europe offers Iran technology

The Kerry / Iran Connection: An Overview

Iranian student leader jailed for giving speech

Stop Them!


Monday, October 18, 2004

Iran to launch first spy satellite by spring

Iran is currently developing three satellites. Two are small, weighing 20 to 60 kg, and are expected to be launched mainly as a test. The third weighs 170 kg and will carry a telescopic camera for espionage purposes. That is the one that Rubin expects to be launched next spring.

Other News Updates:

Iranian Nuclearization And Israel`s `Arrow`
: Implications For Preemption Option

“The Age of Liberty” - President Bush is making the world safe for democracy.

Exporter of terrorism

Self-Proclaimed 'Liberators' Use Satellite TV to Woo Masses

Putin's Iraq comments back Bush

Donald Rumsfeld: Lessons of Cold War, relearned, promise victory over terror

Kerry Iranian fund-raiser repudiates him on Tehran

Iranian journalists protest to wave of arrests


Sunday, October 17, 2004

Iran says would reject Europe's 'final deal'

Iran said Saturday it would reject any proposal depriving it of the right to enrich uranium for nuclear fuel, part of a package Washington's European allies are proposing to avoid a showdown over Iran's nuclear program.

Other News Updates:

Iran ready to discuss nuclear issue "without conditions"
: official

Iran says it won't stop enriching uranium

France calls for complete halt to Iran uranium enrichment

Russia wants Iran to come clean on nukes

Terrorism: Following Zarqawi's Footsteps in Iran

Iranian MPs move to stop Rafsanjani presidency bid

Movement slams the regime and criticizes Senator Kerry on VOA TV

'Conspiracy' Crisis - Amir Taheri