The Week in Review
DoctorZin provides a review of this past week's [2/27-3/5] major news events regarding Iran.
The news on Iran has been coming fast and furious. Here are the headlines and a few of items you may have missed.
The EU3 Negotiations with Iran:
- Iran warns that it will make atomic fuel if they are sent to UN Security Council.
- The EU3 criticize Iran for not keeping it's pledge to suspend all sensitive parts of its nuclear program.
- Iran demands that the EU3 compromise and lectures the US to get used to the idea of a nuclear Iran.
- Europe Should Be Careful What It Wishes for in Iran, says Ruel Marc Gerecht.
- Iran has now acquired all it needs to produce nuclear weapons.
- DigitalGlobe photo of Iran's heavy water reactor shows it is nearing completion.
- Iran wants to test it's nuclear enrichment equipment, in violation of the spirit of the EU3 agreement.
- Iran's heavy water reactor nearly complete? If so, once operational, Iran be able to produce a plutonium bomb in a year.
- Iran's secret nuclear storage tunnels are reportedly 1/2 mile below ground.
- The Bushehr nuclear plant has serious technical problems.
- Iran rejects the IAEA's latest request to inspect the Parchin Military base that other accuse are developing nuclear weapons materials.
- In 1987, AQ Khan offered Iran nuclear a starter kit for nuclear enrichment.
- Iran and Russia finally sign their deal for nuclear fuel. But the deal is dangerously full of holes.
- The regime has finally given up on trying to make women where black.
- Strikes and protests on the rise inside of Iran.
- 150 Students protest in Tehran.
- The Mullahs are once again assassinating foreign dissidents.
- Iran may have 40,000 agents in Iraq on its payroll.
- Russia denies having Russian troops in Iran, sort of.
- Pakistan would remain neutral in the case of a U.S. attack against Iran.
- After massive public protests the Lebanese government resigned.
- The US is calling for guarantees in the EU3/Iran talks.
- The US wants to fund Iranian activists, the question is how.
- Bush is considering offering Iran participation in the WTO.
- Chief US delegate to the IAEA charges Iran of "cynically" pursuing nuclear weapons.
- VOA to expand their news and commentary into Iran.
- Dan Darling tries to help us to understand US policy options on Iran.
- Iran threatens an attack will risk all Middle East oil.
- Russia is arming the "Axis of outcasts," in the Middle East and Latin America.
- General Abizaid says a nuclear Iran may invite an attack by others.
- A top Israeli bomber reportedly says Iran is "within reach."
- The American Thinker has published a report of preparations for possible military action the US is preparing against Iran.
- Must See Iranian TV, courtesy of (thanks to and Iran va Jahan).
- Dr. Jerry Corsi's new book has pre-sold 150,000 copies of his new book Atomic Iran.
- DoctorZin says "don't worry" about a possible shift in US policy towards Iran.
- Mark Steyn says the Arab's Berlin wall has fallen.
- We are living in a revolutionary age, says Michael Ledeen.
- The Department of State has issued an important but length report, Iran - Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2004. I have excerpted portions of it here.
Does Bill Clinton feel ideologically at home with Iran? Speaking of Iran he said:
"In every single election, the guys I identify with got two-thirds to 70 percent of the vote. There is no other country in the world I can say that about, certainly not my own." and much more...