Week in Review
DoctorZin provides a review of this past week's [6/20-3/26] major news events regarding Iran.
This week was the Persian New Year. Happy Nowrooz to our Persian readers!The EU3 Negotiations with Iran:
- The EU3/Iran "final" negotiations are not final. The talks will continue.
- The EU is studying an Iranian Plan for small-scale uranium enrichment.
- El Baradei wants the US to give Iran "security assurances." The US brushes the idea off.
- The MEK reported Iran is secretly enriching uranium.
- Iran has successfully tested its new liquid fuel Shihab 3-A missile with greater range and payload capability.
- Iran is developing a secret "nuclear university."
- A Top US Diplomat warned Iran to stop interfering in Lebanon.
- Condi's latest thoughts on Iran, in an LA Times interview.
- Stephen Hayes seems to be saying Europe has agreed to support real democracy in Iran, if the negotiations fail?
- Three US Naval Carrier groups are converging on the Middle East.
- Pakistan's Daily Times revealed Condi's pressure to get more information what AQ Khan supplied Iran is getting results.
- There were reports of massive demonstrations in Iran following the Iranian win over Japan in an important soccer match in Tehran. The demonstrations are dispersed in neighborhoods all across Iran. The demonstrations were similar to those in the past for such events but the reports of gun fire are a newer development. We are not yet near a tipping point, yet.
- Iranian dissident, Mr. Abbas Amir Entezam, (one of the world’s longest political prisoners) called for a national movement for referendum.
- The LA Times is reported on the efforts of the CIA and FBI in Los Angeles to find friends and enemies.
- Western nations are helping Iran stockpile high tech small weapons.
- Britain has donated bullet proof vests to the Iranian security forces.
- Is the Christian Science Monitor preparing to endorse Rafsanjani for president? UPI does something similar and so does The Financial Times. Is the western media willingly ignorant or just desperate? Oh, that they would support the people of Iran in their quest for liberty and democracy instead of selling them out.
- Pakistan is preparing to hand over a centrifuge to UN inspectors who are investigating Iran.
- A revolution in Kyrgyzstan? Yes.
- The Wall Street Journal is reporting evidence of nuclear ties between Iran and India.
- Turkey was does not want Iran to become a nuclear power, says Gunduz Aktan.
- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told US Congressmen that despite months of press reports to the contrary: "Israel has no intention of attacking Iran..."
- The Ayn Rand Institute observes Iran's problems the west are not economic.
- GlobalSecurity.org explores Iran's reason for purchasing the 12 X-55 cruise missiles.
- The International Crisis Group published a report Iran in Iraq: How Much Influence? Dan Darling reviewed it here.
- The American Enterprise Institute has published a list of important reports on Iran.
- Arnaud de Borchgrave reminds us of the Iranian Mullahs view of America, in their own words.
- Should we be concerned that US military planners are dusting off their military plans for an attack on Iran? Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu says no.
- The Wall Street Journal said it right: The root cause of the nuclear crisis with Iran is not a shortage of "economic incentives"; it is the nature of the regime.
- OpenDemocracy.net gives eight reasons why the US won't go to war with Iran and then why we will.
- Dr. Jerome Corsi's new book Atomic Iran is now in the bookstores. Due to the Terry Shiavo coverage his appearance on Hannity and Colmes was pre-empted but he is now scheduled to appear this next week. His powerful TV ad is scheduled for release this next Monday. Look for it here soon.
Mohammed El Baradei sold out the Iranian people:"Iran must feel assured that no one is thinking of attacking or provoking regime change..."