Week in Review
DoctorZin provides a review of this past week's [6/5-6/11] major news events regarding Iran.
- DoctorZin has published a schedule of Pro-Democracy events for the coming week. It will be updated regularly. Check for updates under the daily briefing list in our right sidebar.
- Reuters reported that disillusioned students in Iran are turning their back on the Presidential election.
- YahooNews reported that Iran hardliners fear a defeat in next week's election.
- Radio Free Europe reported that the reformists in Iran could produce an upset in the Presidential race.
- Roozonline explained why Iran's reformists are so worried about the June 17th elections. The reformist leaders are afraid ...the conservatives will do with them what they have done with the other political groups earlier on in the revolution.
- International Herald Tribune reported that the reformist camp must decide to vote or to boycott.
- Africasia reported that reformist candidate Moin was attacked at a campaign rally Friday.
- Middle East Online reported that Rafsanjani sees nuclear deal with EU. In other words, "if I get elected, EU, don't challenge the election results."
- Iran Focus reported that Iranian students booed Rafsanjani ally at election rally.
- Daily Star reported the Rafsanjani campaign complains of arson and graffiti attacks.
- IranMania reported that Iranian film director of the hugely popular Iranian movie "The Lizard" which pokes fun at the Islamic republic's turbaned establishment, is now using his big-screen talents to help Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.
- Mr. Bedhi (Iranian blogger) reported that the candidates of the right wing are focusing almost completely on economic issues.
- Radio Free Europe reported on Iran: new worries arise over the military in the election.
- Persian Journal reports that Interior Minister mullah Lari said that presence of the military in elections and use of public facilities for the purpose will be detrimental to healthy elections.
- Islamic Republic News Agency reported that Iran's Interior Ministry threatened to disclose 'startling' tactics which 'certain candidates' had adopted.
- BBC Monitoring Service reported an Iranian paper criticizes candidates of 'Limited Ability' Who Make 'Big Promises.'
- DoctorZin reported the Interests Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran has launched a U.S. based website (in Persian) to encourage Iranians to vote, June 17th, here in the U.S. SMCCDI had more.
- IranTerror.com reported signs of renewed preparations by Iran for assassination of exiles based in Europe.
- Times Online reported that Iran's Tomb of the Unknown Assassin reveals a mission to kill Rushdie.
- CNews reported that 500 al-Qaida operatives in Iran have been handed over to their countries of origin.
- ABC.net.au reported that inspectors from the United Nations nuclear watchdog have arrived in Iran to visit an underground facility and verify that Tehran has suspended all uranium enrichment activities there.
- ABC.net.au reported the IAEA confirmed Iran has halted its nuclear activity.
- The Los Angeles Times reported that Iran has plans to install tens of thousands of advanced centrifuges at its huge underground nuclear plant.
- IranMania.com reported that western diplomats are confident Iran has chosen a pragmatic line in negotiations over its nuclear program.
- Khaleej Times reported that Iran gave the EU3 one last chance to strike a deal.
- The American Thinker's Stefania Lapenna thinks Europe is terrified by the idea of a liberated Iran.
- Agence France Presse reported that a senior Iranian official said they conditionally agreed to EU demands it maintain a suspension of sensitive nuclear activities until the end of July.
- Tech Central Station angrily suggested the Mullahs must have celebrated when they learned they can start talks on membership in the WTO.
- Iranian.ws reported that Iran is attempting to bribe the EU with a 7 billion dollar investment proposal.
- Tribune News Service reported that the Iran-India gas pipeline gets Musharraf's nod.
- Press Trust of India reported that US not pressuring Pak over Indo-Iran pipeline.
- The Financial Times reports that Japanese investors back Iran oil venture.
- Rigzone.com reported that oil majors are unconcerned by Iran's nuclear crisis.
- CNN Money reported that Iran opposes raising OPEC output at its meeting next week.
- Washington Post reported that the Bush administration, has given up on its attempt to force out Mohamed ElBaradei as director general of the IAEA.
- VOA News reported that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will meet today with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei.
- International Herald Tribune reported that ElBaradei will not become tougher on Iran.
- Washington Post reported on Congressman Kurt Weldon's accusation that the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and his colleagues on the House and Senate intelligence committees of ignoring his trove of information on Iran.
- Free Ganji has published both an English language version of Iranian dissident Akbar Ganji's now famous Republican Manifesto II.
- Radio Free Europe reported that Akbar Ganji remains defiant after having spent five years in prison -- including several months in solitary confinement. Ganji held a press conference at his home saying, Even if I have to spend the rest of my life in prison, I will not change my views.
- BBC Monitoring Service reported that bailiffs went to Akbar Ganji's house and intended to arrest him but were unable to do so because he was not at home. Some fear they have him and are denying it.
- BBC News says that missing Iran writer, Ganji, spoke out. Update: He gave an interview while "missing." He is now back in Evin prison and has resumed his hunger strike.
- Roozonline reported that every 47 seconds one is jailed and another is freed in Iran. There are 130,000 left in prison.
- Iran va Jahan reported on the lack of Human Rights in Iran. A MUST READ!
- Committee to Protect Bloggers reported that a threatened Iranian blogger asks for legal help.
- The Age reported that an Iranian weblogger arrested in a crackdown against online dissent has been sentenced to two years behind bars for "insulting the supreme leader" Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
- Iran Focus reports that Iran is a source, transit, and destination country for women and girls trafficked for the purposes of sexual and labor exploitation.
- The Guardian takes a look at Iran's ban on women attending its soccer games.
- Iran Focus reported Iran' s Supreme Court has upheld a sentence for a young man's eyes to be gouged out and sprayed with acid.
- Committee to Protect Bloggers has an anonymous blogging WIKI.
- DoctorZin reported World Cup Qualifier match in Iran stirs celebration and unrest. Major Report.
- SMCCDI reported a coalition of Iranian groups has announced a protest against the violation of women rights in front of Tehran University, Sunday June 12. Adnkronos International added details.
- Iran Focus reported Iran students plan protest against government crackdown.
- Iran Focus reported the mass anti-government demonstrations in Tabriz.
- Iran Focus reported students in the University of Yazd (central Iran) have started a hunger strike in protest against a recent government clampdown on student activists.
- The Guardian took a look at Iran's ban on women attending its soccer games.
- Monsters and Critics reported on a hunger-striking detainee's family and friends protesting outside Tehran prison.
- DoctorZin reported that more than 170 Iranian opposition leaders united in calling for a boycott of the June 17 Presidential elections.
- Agence France Press, reported that Reza Pahlavi is in LA, urging a polls boycott and launches a hunger strike.
- Rezapahlavi.org reported that Reza Pahlavi plans to go on a three day hunger strike, in response to a direct invitation by political prisoners in Iran, and he pledged his solidarity.
- Iran Shahr Blog produced a transcript of Reza Pahlavi on French Parliament TV discussing the future of Iran.
- KRSI.net reported on Iranian activists protest in front of the European Union.
- SMCCDI reported that for the second time this year, their web hosting company shut them down. We eventually convinced them to put it back up.
- MEHR.org asks us not to legitimize Iran by allowing it to join the WTO. A petition.
- Clifford D. May asked, What If We Don't Win in Iraq?
- Khaleej Times reported that a senior Iranian envoy urged Washington to make a courageous first move for reconciliation.
- AxisGlobe reported on some dangerous liaisons: covert ''love affair" between Russia and Hezbollah.
- Axis Globe reported on Russia and the Development of the Iranian Missile Program.
- Islamic Republic News Agency reported that the Defense ministers of Iran and Nigeria underlined their defense cooperation within the framework of Islamic solidarity.
- Belga Press Agency reported a public opinion survey in Iran. To view the Executive Summary - in PDF, click here. MAJOR POLL.
- The MEMRI Report provided an invaluable compilation of public statements by the "moderate" Rafsanjani.
- The US Alliance for Democratic Iran discussed the second reinvention of Rafsanjani.
- Time magazine called Rafsanjani, The Comeback Cleric.
- The Times UK reported that student revolutionaries learn hard lessons about the regime they created.
- Free Inquiry magazine asked will Iran be the next secular revolution?
- Iran va Jahan reported that most observers seem to be missing a veritable seismic popular movement for radical change in Iran.
- World Magazine reported Iran's reigning mullahs and the reformists finally have something in common: Iranians don't like either of them.
- Ekbatan Observer Blog examined What ails Iranians?
- FrontPageMag.com asked Is Europe Dying?
- Melanie Phillips's Diary complained Britain and Europe are missing the big story about Iran.
- The American Thinker thinks it is absolutely ludicrous that we would expect results from nations that risk losing billions of Euros and Rubles in contracts to develop the very same nuclear capabilities that we are trying to forestall.
- Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu discussed the Iran-North Korea connection.
- The US Alliance for Democratic Iran explained why Iran's elections are a farce.
- Amir Taheri looked at the Iranian election and his thoughts on the best of a bad choice.
- Michael Ledeen said The continued silence and inaction on Iran are shameful and cowardly.
- Victor Davis Hanson published an analysis of our strange war - Looking ahead, our options.
- Iranian Pro-Democracy forces
- Iran's election campaigning.
- Anti Rafsanjani graffiti.
- Iran Elections 1384 on Flickr for pictures related to the election
- A recent demonstration in Azerbaijan.
Michael Ledeen wrote in the National Review:
Continued silence and inaction on Iran are shameful and cowardly, unworthy of any serious nation, let alone the world's lone superpower.