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Iranians escaping the terror masters often need temporary financial help once safe in the west.
The military will have plenty to do in the four years of a second Bush administration. While the war in Iraq figures to dominate all else, as it has the past two years, other potential hot spots could demand attention.
Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi said he would use all available means to defend Iraqis against neighboring states harboring "terrorists," but appeared to rebuke his defense minister who has repeatedly slammed Syria and Iran.
Twenty-five years after the revolution, Kevin Rushby meets a new generation eager to shake off the fundamentalist legacy. An interesting read.
Josef Joffe writing for Foreign Policy magazine:
Imagine that Israel never existed. Would the economic malaise and political repression that drive angry young men to become suicide bombers vanish? Would the Palestinians have an independent state? Would the United States, freed of its burdensome ally, suddenly find itself beloved throughout the Muslim world? Wishful thinking. Far from creating tensions, Israel actually contains more antagonisms than it causes. moreA must read.
The Bush administration plans to make the Proliferation Security Initiative a key foreign policy goal in 2005, sources said. PSI would be a tool in any U.S.-led effort to hamper the nuclear weapons and missile programs of such countries as Iran and North Korea. ...
Michael Novak, of AEI explains why the elections in Iraq and Palestinian Territories will be a plebiscite, too, on which version of Islam should prevail. more
Tom Nichols is the Chairman of the Department of Strategy and Policy at the U.S. Naval War College reviews the book:
Toward Nuclear Abolition [Volume Three of The Struggle Against the Bomb],An important read.
By Lawrence Wittner
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003. 657 pp, notes, bib, index
Intelligence expert Jack Wheeler says nuke option is reason bin Laden has been quiet.
"Israel … recognizes that the Aswan Dam is Egypt's Damoclean Sword," writes Wheeler. "There is no possibility whatever of Egypt's winning a war with Israel, for if Aswan is blown, all of inhabited Egypt is under 20 feet of water. Once the Israelis made this clear to the Egyptians, the possibility of any future Egyptian attack on Israel like that of 1948, 1967, and 1972 is gone." ...Subscribe to his report, its worth it.
"Completely obliterating the terrorists' holiest of holies, rendering what is for them the world's most sacred spot a radioactive hole in the ground is retribution of biblical proportions – and those are the only proportions that will do the job." more
Don't expect economic sanctions to change the policies of Syria's regime. Iran has already prepared for the prospect of additional U.S. sanctions against Damascus and has begun a series of major projects in Syria.
A militant leader suspected of involvement in beheadings and bloody attacks in Iraq confessed to Iraqi authorities his group's links with Iran and Syria, according to footage aired by the US-based and funded Alhurra television.
The Iranian opposition group that exposed the nation's covert nuclear weapons program two years ago said yesterday that supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered the effort to continue in secret.
"Khamenei has ordered his regime to not only continue the enrichment of uranium, but to buy time and accelerate the project in order to make the bomb as quickly as possible," Mr. Mohaddessin said.Sound familiar?
"Khamenei has ordered his diplomats and his negotiators to prolong the negotiations as much as possible, possibly by between eight and 12 months, which is exactly the time needed to complete the bomb," he said. ...
The site, located in Isfahan in central Iran, would convert uranium oxide, called "yellowcake," into uranium hexafluoride gas, a stage prior to enrichment. He said a test center for centrifuges had been constructed with "utmost discretion" near the site, and that between 120 and 180 centrifuges will be installed there. more
French President Jacques Chirac warned Iran to stick to its pledge to European powers to suspend nuclear activities, saying that adherence would give it access to legitimate technology.
The NY Times reports:
Moving to assemble a pragmatic team as secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice has selected Robert B. Zoellick, the administration's top trade negotiator, as her deputy and is considering two veteran diplomats with reputations as moderates for the No. 3 job, administration officials said on Thursday. ...
the team seemed so far to be composed of pragmatists, without anyone identified with a strong ideological bent. more
Reporters Without Borders has condemned the mistreatment in prison of cyberdissidents and webloggers after an Iranian committee report concluded that public confessions of two of them...
A few excerpts from this important report:
China and Iran have been cultivating an increasingly close relationship in recent months, one borne from China’s need for energy to run its growing economy and Iran’s need for consumer goods to satisfy its young, West-leaning population. Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran’s former representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recently confirmed this, saying, “We [Iran and China] complement each other. The Chinese have the industry and the Iranians have the energy resources.” ...TO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
Viewing China’s increasing dependence on Middle East natural resources as a national security issue, the Bush Administration has attempted to prevent further energy deals between China and Iran, but to no avail. Indeed, one official from Sinopec, China’s second largest oil company, said last January that, “Sinopec is paying no attention to the U.S. request and will do its utmost to carry on its bidding for an exploitation project in an Iranian oilfield.” more
Radio Free Europe reports:
Some Iranian online journalists who were arrested in the autumn were released after writing letters of contrition that were published in newspapers. moreTO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
Iran Focus reports:
Iraq’s Defence Minister Hazem Shaalan rejected the idea of direct dialogue with Iran yesterday, saying that Iran had no interest in dialogue and only sought to destabilise Iraq. ...TO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
“Dialogue is not enough for Iran. Iran wants to take control over Iraq”, Shaalan said. more
Jordan's King Abdullah II was notably undiplomatic when he accused Iran of meddling in Iraqi elections, and Iran was angry enough to keep its foreign minister away from a regional meeting on Iraq Jordan is hosting Thursday. more
Mullah leader of the Islamic revolution mullah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday stressed that enemies of the Islamic Republic are trying to humiliate and diminish the value of martyrdom and the culture of Jihad in the eyes of the youth, particularly students.
Washington: Top nuclear scientist and father of Pakistan's atomic bomb Abdul Qadeer Khan has clandestinely sold nuclear gear to Libya worth 100 million dollars and blueprints for a ten-kilo ton nuclear bomb.
MEHR News reports:
An official close to the Iranian nuclear negotiations on Wednesday confirmed statements by Mohammad-Javad Zarif, Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations, that Iran would be making nuclear demands of the European Union. moreTO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
In a Debka exclusive:
Unidentified drone crashes at Arak nuclear site in central Iran, according to sources close to Iranian Revolutionary Guards ex-commander Rezai.TO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
Evidence in wreckage of intelligence-gathering at presumed uranium enrichment site. Last week, Iranian air force commander said mystery aircraft reported by witnesses over sensitive sites would be shot down.
IranPressNews reports:
Iraqi Defence Minister Hazem al-Shaalan took a fresh swipeTO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
at Iran, accusing it of being mainly responsible for the deteriorating situation in Iraq, in statements published here Wednesday."We have a strong belief that Iran is the main accused in the deterioration of the security situation in Iraq, such as illegal entry, smuggling of arms and means of sabotage," he told Emirati newspaper Al-Bayan.
"The proof which we have bears witness to Iran's responsibility in many operations that have shaken Iraq's stability," said the minister, who has previously pointed the finger at Iran and Syria in acts of violence in Iraq. more
In an important development, the BBC reports:
Iran is to allow the UN nuclear watchdog to carry out inspections at one of its most secret military sites.TO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are on standby to visit the plant, at Parchin. more
Nanotechnology expert Howard Lovy caught this statement of top Iranian hardliner Ali Larijani:
He said a priority in the economy was investment in four fields: nanotechnology, biotechnology, nuclear technology for non-military purposes and information and communications technologies. moreTO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
MemriTV has released several new videos:
LittleGreenFootballs reports:
Yesterday we noted a report in the Jerusalem Post that Abdul Qadeer Khan’s nuclear black market had given “a major boost” to the nuclear weapons program of an unnamed Arab state; today comes news that evidence of secret nuclear experiments has been discovered in Egypt. moreTO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
Arieh O'Sullivan and David Horvitz reporting for the Jerusalem Post:
Concerned that the US or Israel may be planning an air strike against its nuclear facilities, Iran has beefed up its air defenses around various nuclear sites, Israeli security sources have told The Jerusalem Post. Iran is also said to be intermittently pointing its Shihab rockets in the general direction of Israel. ...TO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
Rather than missile delivery of a nuclear warhead, Gissin said the more immediate "nightmare scenario," if Iran did obtain "nuclear-upgraded material,' is that it would be "able to assemble a dirty bomb, strap it to a couple of suicide bombers... and send them." ...
Gissin said the Shihabs were ultimately intended to achieve a range of 2,500 km., which would bring Europe into range. Asked whether Shihabs were intermittently focused on Israel, he said, in "the general direction, that's true." He noted that, at present, "they do have some problems with the guidance system, but no doubt they will solve them." more
For Muslims, looking good has a religious seal of approval. And no one reflects this more than the stylish mullahs of Iran. Niloofar Haeri visits the city of Qom, home to the Muslim clergy's top tailors - and some of the best-dressed men in the Islamic world. more
A deal that would clear the way for Iran to start up its Russian-built Bushehr nuclear power plant has been delayed over Moscow's fee for taking back Russian-made spent fuel, Russia's nuclear chief said on Tuesday.
Max Boot writing for the LA Times:
An obvious candidate for a similar transformation is Iran. Even as Iranian students have repeatedly taken to the streets to protest against their oppressors, and Iranian exiles in Los Angeles have beamed TV and radio programming into their homeland, the U.S. government has largely stood on the sidelines. In 2003, the National Endowment for Democracy supported 23 programs in Ukraine worth $1.9 million. In Iran there were only two pitiful programs worth $55,000. moreTO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
Struan Stevenson of the Washington Times provides an interesting analysis of Iran's threat to the world, but has made a huge mistake in supporting the MEK.
WorldNetDaily reports:
U.S. military warplanes flew over Iranian air space, raising Tehran's concerns preparations are being made to knock out its nuclear facilities, according to Iranian news media reports.TO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
The U.S. jets reportedly flew out of bases in Afghanistan and Iraq, with the latest coming Saturday when a fighter buzzed at low altitude an area in the northeastern province of Khorrasan, which borders Afghanistan.
Other reports of overflights cited intrusions by F-16 and F-18 fighters over the southwestern province of Khuzestan, which borders southern Iraq. Papers said the planes appeared to be spying on nuclear sites.
The U.S. military was silent on the veracity of the reports.more
The TimesOnline.UK takes a serious look at China's growing influence in world affairs.
Clearly, the United States is still by far the largest and most powerful economy on earth, with the most powerful defence technology. Yet it is China, not the United States, that is changing the global economy. morePeter Brookes writing for the NY Post also weighs in on Russia's and China's planned miltary exercises.
The unprecedented nature of these military exercises — and the possible long-term implications for American interests in the Pacific — is mind-boggling. After years of relative stagnation, a troubling sea change in Sino-Russian strategic relations is underway. moreTO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
The NY Sun reports a key student leader of the Iranian referendum movement has fled the Islamic republic amid a court investigation into his organizing activities.
Patrick Clawson writes again for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He suggest specfic diplomatic options surrounding the Iranian nuclear program and discusses the role of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, with particular focus on Russia and China. more
Harold C. Hutchison of the Strategy Page asks regarfing Iran’s nuclear program:
“What can the United States do about it?”His favorite option?
The best option to guarantee a halt to Iran’s nuclear weapons program is to overthrow the imams. There are two ways this can be done; sponsoring the domestic opposition (which has significant popular support), or through an invasion. The former option has worked in the past. In the 1980s, the CIA was able to keep the Polish Solidarity movement functioning as an opposition movement despite martial law and opposition by the Polish and Russian secret police. That said, the effort took eight years, and the CIA back then was run by William Casey. Today’s CIA has become more of a bureaucracy, and much more risk-averse. The other problem with such an effort is that the situation in Iran is markedly different in two respects: Poland did not have a lengthy history of sponsoring terrorist attacks, nor was that country trying to develop nuclear weapons. moreTO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
Jordanian Foreign Minister Hani Al-Mulqi on Saturday said his country would not remain silent in case of any Iranian intervention in Iraq's internal affairs. ...
Iranian officials said Teheran has acquired the expertise to produce cladding for uranium rods. They said this has included Iranian capability to produce zironium for fuel cladding in nuclear installations. The cladding produces an alloy jacket around the uranium rods to prevent the escape of fission products. more
Saul Singer of the Jerusalem Post asks an important question of President Bush:
Was the relative paralysis of 2004 the result of election jitters, or does it reflect burn-out that will continue deep into Bush's second term?He answers his own question with:
First, by bringing back moral clarity. Branding Iran, Iraq, and North Korea as the "axis of evil" was the right thing to do. But saying that and then not having a policy, much less implementing it, toward Iran is worse than not having said it in the first place. Since then it seems that Bush has learned not to set such bold markers. That's the wrong lesson; we need more markers and more follow-up. ...TO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
Second, Bush has to show that the 82nd Airborne is not the only arrow in his quiver. ...
Bush has plenty of underutilized and underestimated levers. Imagine if the US started talking about democracy in Saudi Arabia. Or if Bush held a press conference with Iranian dissidents. Or if the US proposed sanctions against Iran and Syria in the UN Security Council.
Such measures would not be as easily deflected by France and Germany as it may seem. more
In a surprise press conference Sunday, leaders of the Shiite-dominated coalition that is expected to prevail in national elections sought to dispel fears that they are under the secret sway of Iran, or have any desire to create an Islamic theocracy. ...
A senior Internet industry official accused the government of trying to monopolize ISP services.
"Security concerns has been used time and again as a mechanism to hinder the activities of 200 SME ISPs," moreTO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
Death sentences pronounced by some local courts against young women have stirred the anger of Iranians inside and outside the country.
“Executions are not an important matter”, Foreign Affairs Ministry’s senior spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi told journalists last week when asked about international and national reactions to the death sentence against Ms Leyla Mafi, an 18 years old girl who has a mental age of eight. ...TO SEE ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ON IRAN, CLICK HERE!
“We have no lesson to receive from the Westerners”, he said, accusing the West of “double standard” practice, “like their treatment of the Palestinians and the Israelis”. more
Iran's Guardian Council (GC) spokesman Gholam Hossein Elham said on Saturday that the GC has agreed with the coming presidential elections to be held on June 17, 2005. more
Iraq’s Defence Minister, Hazem Shaalan, accused Iran today of attempting to “create a Safavian-style Shiite Crescent stretching from Iran all the way to Syria and Lebanon, engulfing Iraq and bringing about corruption in the country”.
Mullah Rowhani here on Thursday blamed US efforts to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries for deteriorating terrorism worldwide.
Peace Prize Laureate, Iranian Shririn Ebadi has thrown her hat into the ring in Iran's upcoming election. Many have been expecting this for a long time.