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Thursday, November 25, 2004

Iran Wants to Amend Nuclear Freeze, EU Says 'No' - NY Times

In a major development, it is being reported that the EU is rejecting Iran's request for changes in their "agreement." The IAEA is meeting in a few hours, we shall know then how much "chutzpah" Iran has. I bet they have alot.
One Western diplomat said the request amounted to Iranian ``chutzpah'' before a meeting on Thursday of the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is investigating whether Iran has a secret nuclear arms program.

Another said it was a clear message that Tehran had no intention of ending work on producing fuel, an activity that the United States believes will enable Iran to make nuclear arms.

The request followed an Iranian pledge to France, Britain and Germany last week that it would suspend its entire uranium enrichment program and all related activities in a bid to avoid possible economic sanctions by the U.N. Security Council.

``The Iranians asked to be allowed to continue conducting research and development with centrifuges during the freeze, but the Europeans told them, 'No',''
a Western diplomat said on condition of anonymity. more
This story is also being reported by the BBC, China View, Gulf News and the UK's DeHavilland.