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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

What Iranians Want The U.S. to Do

Mohammad Parvin, director of the Mission for Establishment of Human Rights in Iran (MEHR, reflects the feeling off many Iranians when he asks us to speak clearly with one voice to the Iranian people:
that the U.S. government does not recognize the Islamic Regime as IraniansÂ’ representatives, and that they refrain from establishing friendly relations with such abusers of the Iranian people. This support should be manifested in certain actions and not stop at words.

We expect the U.S. not to help this terrorist regime and not to legitimize it regardless of the promised compliance with curbing of nuclear activities. We expect a rigid sanction against IRI - not a phony type that we have witnessed during the past years, and not of the type that would exclude Halliburton, GE and more than 200 other American companies - we expect a genuine and real one.

We expect the U.S. to reduce its diplomatic relations with the Islamic Regime to the lowest possible level. This regime is not the representative of the Iranian people, and we challenge those who think otherwise by an internationally monitored referendum. more