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Monday, January 10, 2005

A message regarding a call for a National referendum - Reza Pahlavi

The following is an important statement by the son of the former Shah of Iran regarding the current effort inside of Iran to hold an referendum on the Iranian constitution.
The recent student movement supported by groups of human rights and political activists petitioning support for the conduct of a national referendum, has been supported by a wide spectrum of organizations, political parties and personalities whose unity of direction seemed unlikely prior to the failure of regime’s vow to reform itself. ...

However, it is evident that the current regime's nature and rule prevent the realization of the necessary preconditions for holding a referendum, which is acceptable only when all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience are freed, freedom of press is guaranteed and all groups, political parties and proponents of all ideologies have the right to organize, freely engage in political activity, and enjoy freedom of speech and equitable access to the media.

Mobilizing the public and organizing resistance in all directions, in order to force the regime to yield to the nation’s demands and the creation of the aforementioned conditions comes with great risks and dangers. Calls for violence and unrealistic slogans are but a few of such dangers that will only lead to further violence by the regime. Similarly, insisting on a particular form or structure for the future political order will only breed disunity and benefit the ruling regime. more