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Saturday, January 22, 2005

Stakes are high in mission to bring democracy to Iran

The Telegraph reports:
Reza Pahlavi, the son of the last Shah of Iran, who was watching President George W Bush's speech on television at his hotel in London, noted the language. He was relieved that the phrase "regime change" was not used. He believes that American military intervention in Iran would be wrong:

"Iranians are not willing to buy freedom at any cost. They do not want the freedom of an American general marching in. It is a matter of national pride. We do not need an American soldier to save us."

But Mr Pahlavi says that the rising against the regime must come from within. He looks to the Ukraine or Yugoslavia as a model and rejects comparisons with Iraq: "Iran has a different history, polity, totally different scenarios. Our society is more dynamic and capable. We don't need teachers from American universities to come and teach us about democracy." more
I agree that the US military action inIran is not the best option. Lets just hope there is time to see the people of Iran produce a regime change from within.

Listen to the BBC interview here. (requires Real Player)