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Thursday, February 17, 2005

Mullahs Punish Mahabad, Cut off Gas in the middle of Freeze

Blog Iran:
Recently there were large anti-regime protests in the city of Mahabad. As punishment, the regime has now cutoff the gas to the region in the midst of the coldest winter ever, creating a deadly situation for the citizens of Mahabad.

The governor of Mahabad has apparently been trying to restrain public anger, but demonstrations and clashes continue with agents of the SSF.

The demonstration quickly turned into a mass rally and youths set fire to banners and poster celebrating the 26th anniversary of the revolution that toppled the monarchy and brought to power Iran'sclerics, eye-witnesses reported.

Hundreds of SSF agents, plainclothes police, and members of the Bassij (Iran's paramilitary police) attacked the demonstrators with clubs and batons, arresting at least 10 individuals, as residentsshouted antigovernment slogans.

Eye-witnesses reported that a number of plainclothes policemen were injured during the ensuing clashes.