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Monday, March 21, 2005

Monday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 3.21.2005:

Dr. Jerome Corsi's new book Atomic Iran is now in the bookstores. He is scheduled to appear on Hannity and Colmes tonight and much more.
Given that the subtitle of the book is: How the terrorist regime bought the bomb and American politicians, it could blow the lid on the Islamic Republic's infiltration of the US. The book claims it:
Uncovered is a web of pro-Iranian financiers who make significant campaign contributions to political leaders who affect U.S. trade policy towards Iran and are able to work at normalizing diplomatic relations, thereby legitimizing the rogue republic. This poses an immediate security threat to the United States. It allows the regime to take advantage of relaxations in the Patriot Act to begin importing terrorists under the disguise of diplomatic personnel.”

If the blogosphere follows up on his work and begins to systematically expose this infiltration it has the potential to change American politics in ways unimaginable. Certainly the main stream media will likely ignore it as long as possible.
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.