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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Regime Arrests Several Members of Pasdaran Corps

SMCCDI (Information Service):
Several members of the Pasdaran Corps Revolutionary Guards, have been arrested by the Islamic regime on charges of forgery of official documents and unofficially for not supporting the regime.

In reality, arrests are taking place at this time because the armed wing of the regime has been touched by a wave of popular discontent and many of its' members have fallen silent or open critics of the regime they are supposed to protect.

Two years ago, General Dozdoozani and several of his officers were executed when they openly opposed the Islamic regime by issuing an open letter entitled "We the Combatants." In this letter, these icons of the Pasdaran Corps were declaring that they were ashamed to wear their uniforms, which has become a symbol of oppression and corruption.

In addition, several hidden opposition cells have recently been dismantled within the Pasdaran Corps. Within the last year, leaders of the Islamic regime fearing, apparently, a putsch attempt or an active role of some units alongside the people in the event of a general uprising.