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Sunday, March 13, 2005

Sunday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 3.13.2005:

The Sunday Times of London is reporting that Israel has been training for an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. Here is an excerpt:
Although publicly committed to the diplomatic effort, Israeli officials say the point of no return will come later this year when they calculate Iran will be in a position to start processing uranium. They say Ariel Sharon's inner cabinet has decided to act alone if the impasse has not been broken.

If all efforts to persuade Iran to drop its plans to produce nuclear weapons should fail, the US administration will authorize Israel to attack, said one Israeli security source. read more
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • Iranian negotiators complained the US incentives are "way short of our expectations."
  • Iranian negotiators claim ending their nuclear enrichment programs isn't "even on table." Rather, they say EU3 negotiators are trying to get "objective guarantees"
  • The LA Times is reporting that the EU3 do not have a deadline for the negotiations, quoting EU3 negotiators as saying "so who is in a hurry?."
  • Condi says if the Iranians want to demonstrate that they are willing to live up to their obligations "they should do so earlier rather than later."
  • And finally, there was another earthquake in south eastern Iran a few hours ago.