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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Violent clashes rock the City of Baneh in NW Iran

SMCCDI (Information Service):
Violent clashes happened, yesterday, in the northwestern City of Baneh as angry residents intended to protest against the murder of two residents by Islamic regime's militiamen. READ MORE

Hundreds of residents had to retaliate against the regime forces sent to repress their peaceful march for quest of justice. Pieces of stone and incendiary devices were thrown to the regime forces who had to pull back at several occasion.

Slogans were shouted against the regime and its leadership while some demonstrators were seen destroying the regime's symbols, such as, the pictures of its supreme leader and deceased founder.

Tens of demonstrators were injured or arrested in the street fights, as well as, several militiamen. Numbers of patrol cars and public buildings were damaged by incendiary devices.

One of the initial victims named Jamal was shot to death by a militiaman on Monday near Baneh. The other victim named Khaled Koohi was killed by another militiaman, yesterday, in Kookhe-Mamoo village located near the rebellious town.

The situation was very tense today and the town was placed under state of martial law. Hundreds of fresh militiamen sent from Marivan were deployed in the streets in order to stop more riots at the occasion of Iran's victory over N. Korea.

Baneh's last massive riots happened, as reported, at the occasion of the traditional "Tchahr-Shanbe Soori" (Fire Fiest) during which heavy clashes rocked the town.