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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

How the Terrorist Regime Bought the Bomb and American Politicians

Listen to KRSI interview with author of ATOMIC IRAN (Jerome Corsi)

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Bijan Kian of KRSI interviews the author of ATOMIC IRAN, Mr Jerome Corsi. READ MORE
Unprecedented and historic events are unfolding almost daily in the Middle East, but nowhere is the gathering threat more serious and deadly than in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

A charter member of the "axis of evil," this rogue terrorist state and the mullahs who govern it are on a collision course with American and European governments that seek to end its development of nuclear weapons. The influence of Iran cannot be discounted, however, because it has perfected the art of oil price manipulation in order to fund its nuclear endeavors, terrorist activities, and strategic contributions to key U.S. politicians who, in turn, work diligently at normalizing diplomatic and trade relations between the two nations.

In Atomic Iran, Jerome Corsi, co-author of the best-selling Unfit for Command, uncovers the true intentions and practices of the Iranian regime and gives light to the aid and comfort being supplied by some key U.S. politicians.

Uncovered is a web of pro-Iranian financiers who make significant campaign contributions to political leaders who affect U.S. trade policy towards Iran and are able to work at normalizing diplomatic relations, thereby legitimizing the rogue republic. This poses an immediate security threat to the United States. It allows the regime to take advantage of relaxations in the Patriot Act to begin importing terrorists under the disguise of diplomatic personnel.

Also revealed is the manipulation of world oil prices by Iran. Its restriction of supply has the dual effect of hindering the growth of world economies and increasing revenue for Iran, which is then used to fund international terrorism and its own deadly pursuits. Dr. Corsi warns that a nuclear Iran would devastate the Middle East through its tyrannical policies and threats and would have a significant impact on the world by using its control of 40 percent of the global oil supply to hold nations hostage with oil prices rising to over $100 and even $200 per barrel.

Atomic Iran is a wake-up call to Americans. It is a call to pay attention to the growing crisis with Iran and to hold U.S. politicians accountable for their relationships with and efforts on behalf of the Iranian regime. By understanding the events that led to Iran’s arrival at the verge of nuclear statehood, the intentions of the mullahs, their connection with American politicians, and the severe repercussions to be suffered from allowing the regime to proceed with its plans, readers of "Atomic Iran" will be equipped to take the debate to their local communities and to the officials they have entrusted with their safety and security.

Dr. Corsi received a Ph.D. from Harvard University in Political Science in 1972. He has written many books and articles, including the #1 New York Times bestseller, "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry" (Regnery Publishing Inc., 2004). Dr. Corsi is an expert on political violence and terrorism. In 1981, he received a Top Secret clearance from the Agency for International Development, where he assisted in providing anti-terrorism/hostage survival training to embassy personnel. Over the past twenty years, Dr. Corsi has developed financial services companies with a leading expertise in the sales of insurance and securities products and services in the bank marketplace, both nationally and internationally. On March 17, 2005, Dr. Corsi helped found and launch the Iran Freedom Foundation, a 501(c)(3)non-profit educational and charitable organization established to educate the public about the Islamic Republic of Iran and to promote freedom in the region. The IFF is made up of American and Iranian scholars, professionals, philanthropists and human rights advocates who have joined together to support the rights of the Iranian people. The IFF derives important documentation and direction from Dr. Jerome R. Corsi's most recent book, "Atomic Iran: How the Terrorist Regime Bought the Bomb and American Politicians"(WND Books, an Imprint of Cumberland House Publishing, Inc., publication date March 22, 2005). Dr. Corsi is a principle founder of the IFF and will serve as a primary spokesperson for the organization.