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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Rafsanjani a "radical moderate?"

Arnaud de Borchgrave of The Washington Times calls Iran's newest Iranian presidential candidate, Rafsanjani a "radical moderate." The main stream media wants to believe he is a "pragmatic moderate."

He reminds us of one of Rafsanjani's most recent statements:
"The teachings of Jesus do not exist in the Christian world today. Those who ignore the crimes America commits all over the world cannot serve as popes. It's true they opposed the war on Iraq, but then ignored what America does all over the world in the name of the war on terrorism, the way in which it plunders the resources of peoples in needy and backward countries, its aggression in international organizations, which belong to all of the world's peoples, and the inflammatory propaganda it uses to undermine other countries -- all of these certainly contradict the teachings of Jesus."
Here are a few more interesting quotes from the "moderate" Rafsanjani:
"We have some scores with America that must be settled one day." The NY Post.

"The Islamic Republic must get ready for confrontation against the enemy’s attack by answering its offensive right in its heartland." Iran Press Service.