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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

A Technical Guide to Anonymous Blogging

Committee to Protect Bloggers published information of interest for those wanting to help Iranian seeking news on their struggle for real democracy inIran, to overcome Iran's internet filtering of the news.
Ethan Zuckerman, in response to EFF's guide, has written his own technically-focused guide to blogging anonymously.

He covers many of the things we hope to discuss at the Anoniblogging Roundtable at BlogNashville.
There have been several other reports that may be of interest.

Unintended Risks and Consequences of Circumvention Technologies: The IBB's Anonymizer Service in Iran

There is also a new service claiming to help Iranians find proxy servers to overcome the Internet blocking of news sites. I do not know if this is a legitimate operation. Any one with more information on this site should contact us here.