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Sunday, April 03, 2005

Time for Iran to return illegally obtained nuke capable X-55 cruise missiles?

India Daily - Editorial:
According to media reports, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko confirmed recently that Ukraine secretly and illegally sold nuclear-capable cruise missiles to Iran and China under the former government of President Leonid Kuchma. Yushchenko said that a shipment of 20 X-55 missiles was exported under a false contract that listed Russia as the destination. Russia has denied any involvement in the case.

There is an international cry for these two countries to return the illegal weapons and disarm as soon as possible. The smoking gun reveals a fact that no one really knows what else these two countries really got through a concerted smuggling process and using the international non-conventional arms dealers in Russia and elsewhere.

The biggest danger is the fact that these two countries may decide to hand over the missiles to the terrorists like Al-Queda who can then use them to create a total havoc in the world!