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Sunday, May 01, 2005

Condi to give a major address today!

The Washington Post is reporting that U.S. Secretary of State Condolezza Rice will give a major address later today at the international conference beginning today dealing with a review of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The Washington Post said:
Diplomats from more than 180 countries will spend the next month reviewing the treaty, which gave nations broad access to nuclear energy technology in exchange for pledges to forgo nuclear weapons.

The U.S. speech, which will be delivered to conference delegates today, focuses heavily on Iran and North Korea "in very tough language," said one U.S. official, who agreed to discuss the details on the condition of anonymity. The speech will also go over proposals Bush made in February 2004 but will not offer any new ideas about how to deal with growing nuclear crises and will avoid mention of a dozen nuclear commitments the United States signed onto, along with other nations, at the last review conference in 2000.