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Sunday, May 08, 2005

How Much of a Threat Is Iran?

FOX News:
Scanning the world horizon, U.S. officials believe there may be no greater potential flashpoint than Iran. President Bush and his foreign policy team think that Tehran is actively pursuing nuclear weapons, but the government denies the charge.

The fate of millions of people and the security of the United States are at stake. How great is the threat and what should the White House do about it?

Explore the issue further by delving into the following stories, adapted from the FOX News Channel's special: Iran: The Nuclear Threat.

Iran Hid Nuclear Plans for Nearly 2 Decades

It was in the summer of 2001 when a top secret message was delivered to someone seeking to expose Iran's nuclear program. The revelation led to a big question: Was Iran working on a rudimentary nuclear energy program or developing nuclear weapons?

Iranian Nuke Dreams Challenge Bush Doctrine

An Iranian bomb would be a crushing setback for President Bush, whose doctrine of "pre-emption" is based on the policy of keeping the world's most dangerous weapons out of the hands of those with hostile agendas.

What Are U.S. Military Options in Iran?

U.S. officials are still trying to find a diplomatic resolution over Iran's interest in creating nuclear facilities. But if diplomacy fails, the Bush administration is also looking at its military options. FOX News spoke with two retired generals and a military expert, who outlined some of the options on the table for the Pentagon.

Transcript: Sharon Warns of Iran Nuke Threat

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said in an interview with FOX News that it's just a matter of time before Iran develops nuclear weapons. Sharon said Iran simply has to overcome a few technical difficulties to be well on its way to becoming a nuclear power.