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Sunday, May 01, 2005

Interview- Jerome Corsi On Iran And His Run For Senate Against Senator John Kerry
Audio Interveiw with Jerome Corsi: Jerome Corsi is coauthor of the New York Times #1 Bestseller "Unfit For Command." Along with an extensive list of media appearances Jerome Corsi will most notably be written into American history as swinging the 2004 election in President Bush's favor alongside the Swiftboat Vet's. Jerome is now planning to run against Senator John Kerry for the Senate seat in this election cycle, but is weighing in another Senate race now certain polls are stacking in his favor.

Jerome Corsi, in this audio interview with me, discusses critical information on Iran. Stop to sharpen the saw and educate yourself on the new world order. Oh, and find out what Senate seat Corsi is weighing up running for!

Click Here To Hear Audio Interview With Swiftboat Vet, Jerome Corsi On Iran And His Run For Senate.