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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Iran Says it will Resume Nuke Activities

Iranian nuclear negotiators are once again attempting force further compromises with their EU3 counterparts.

Iranian leaders using the EU3's desire to slow down their negotiations with Iran as a reason to restart some activities. For weeks now, Iran has been demanding the focus of their negoiations to focus on a more limited uranium enrichment program. Since the EU3 haven't agreed to this, they are now seeking to restart some aspects of their nuclear program, hoping the EU3 will back down on this new demand.

The New York Times reports that Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi said:
''We will resume some nuclear activities,'' ... ''What activities or when is still under study.''
The new ploy appears to be restarting:
some uranium reprocessing activities at its uranium conversion facility in Isfahan within a week. He added that the Islamic Republic was unlikely to resume actual uranium enrichment -- injecting uranium gas into centrifuges -- at its uranium enrichment plant in Natanz.
World adds:
Western diplomatic sources confirmed Iranian preparations for the production of uranium hexafluoride, or UF6, at Isfahan. UF6 production was halted in November 2004 as part of an agreement with Britain, Germany and France.