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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Self-serving parties are criminals: Iran's MOIS Minister

Iran's Intelligence Minister Ali Yunesi said political parties that prefer factional interests over national ones are criminals.

Speaking in a session of Tehran Administrative Council, Yunesi stressed that maximum voter turnout should be materialized in the upcoming election, even if it leads to the defeat of reformers in the election, ISNA reported.

Those who are trying to dissuade people from casting ballots are betraying the nation,“ he said. READ MORE

Yunesi pointed out that Iranians are not influenced by the negative propaganda of foreign media.

Elections provide opportunities for making history. Officials are indebted to the ideals of the Islamic Revolution and those of late Imam Khomeini,“ he said.

Referring to the impact of presidential election on other elections, the Intelligence Minister said Iranians believe elections are similar to referendums.

“This is while it is not so in other parts of the world and they have accepted elections as something unusual,“ he added.

Yunesi also said since Iran has an experience of 26 years in holding elections, the ninth presidential election should be held in the best possible manner on June 17. He called on election organizers to prevent the spread of rumors.

Public participation is the best manifestation of national solidarity and prevents domestic risks and foreign threats,“ he added.