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Sunday, May 15, 2005

Tehran stirs Muslim feelings over alleged desecration of Quran at Guantanamo Bay

Iran Focus:
Ignoring denials by senior United States officials, including Condoleezza Rice, that the American military had desecrated the Quran at Guantanamo Bay, Iran’s theocratic regime issued a number of inflammatory statements whipping up Muslim feelings on this sensitive issue.

The Islamic Information Dissemination Organization (IIDO) issued a statement on Saturday condemning the U.S. military forces for “desecrating the Holy Quran in the prison at Guantanamo Bay”.

The IIDO also condemned the Washington Post for publishing a caricature which it said was an affront to Islam.

“After the U.S. and its allies realized that the essence of the Islamic revolution in Iran is Islam and its redemptive teachings, they were forced into planning a conspiracy against Islam and its holy book Quran,” the statement said.

The Islamic Information Dissemination Organization is one of several state agencies dedicated to “spreading the Islamic revolution beyond Irans’ borders”. They operate under the authority of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei...
Update: Newsweek, the source of the report of the U.S. military desecrating the Koran, apologized for the report saying:
"We regret that we got any part of our story wrong, and extend our sympathies to victims of the violence and to the U.S. soldiers caught in its midst," Newsweek Editor Mark Whitaker.