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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Tuesday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 5.17.2005:

Tehran's Conservative Bazaar Now Reject the Whole System

Robert Tait, The Guardian:
With polling a month away, those in Tehran's conservative bazaar now reject the whole system

Sitting in Tehran's grand bazaar, once the spiritual heart and financial lifeblood of Iran's Islamic revolution, the man fidgeting with the prayer beads ventured a fiercely uncompromising opinion of his country's ruling elite.

"We won't vote for any of them, they are all robbers," he declared, his voice rising with indignation. "All of them have been lying to us."

The trenchant views of Hasan, 50, a textile wholesaler, might have been unremarkable but for his Islamic background and the staunchly conservative setting in which they were expressed. READ MORE
This is a HUGE development! If this report is accurate and the regime has lost the support of the Bazaaree, its days are numbered. The Bazaar is an economic powerhouse in Iran.

Here are a few other news items you may have missed.