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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Censure of Karoubi's letter of protest to Khamenei

Mehdi Karoubi, former speaker of parliament and presidential hopeful who was eliminated from the race after "sudden changes" in the vote count, registered his complaint outlining details of the vote rigging in a letter to the head of the Islamic Republic, Mr. Khamenei. His correspondence with the leader of the Islamic state though published briefly online on the Shargh and Emrooz websites, were "cleansed" from those sites in Mr. Mortazavi's typical manner. READ MORE

Karoubi's request for an investigation into electoral irregularities was not only denied, he was admonished for bringing the matter up, "Tell Mr. Karoubi that I've reviewed his request and am appalled at how unbecoming it is of him and how it serves to create a crisis in the country. Are you aware what you are doing? You are playing right into the hands of the enemy, creating a situation that will adversely affect you as well. Would you allow others to question the functioning of the system? I will not allow individuals to create such a national crisis."

The chiding response was so upsetting to Karoubi that he resigned his post on the Guardian Council and vowed to start his own party outside of the current political structure. Mr. Karoubi's letter lays out the details of his complaint . He recounts how according to the Interior Ministry he was well ahead of all other candidates in the polls beginning at mid-night right up to 5 a.m. Voting results did not meet with the approval of certain people of influence, Mr. Karoubi asserts, so the election oversight committee appointed by the Guardian Council announced a different election outcome altogether, one which had been pre-arranged and reported in a national paper.

The publication of Mr. Karoubi's letter elicited a strong reaction from the military's Sepah Pasdaran whose spokesperson, General Masoud Jazayeri in a strongly worded letter suggested Karoubi "curb his language and behavior."

Has the time arrived already for the military to issue orders?