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Sunday, June 05, 2005

Do not legitimize Iran by allowing it to join the WTO
It is a huge mistake to ignore the terrorist and repressive nature of the Islamic Regime and assume that it can be brought into the “world community” by engagement, lucrative incentives, and normalizing relations. The reality of the Islamic Regime is that its very existence is not only a daily danger to the lives of millions of the Iranians; it is a danger to the entire world. READ MORE

The task of changing the regime of terror in Iran and establishing a secular democracy is difficult but Iranians are capable of doing it if their enemy, the Islamic Regime, is not supported by the interest driven industrial powers. We expect the US to stand by the Iranian people, not by words but by deeds. The US government should not help this terrorist regime and should not legitimize it regardless of its compliance with the US demand to curb its nuclear activities. We expect the US to continue its sanction and block the Islamic Regime's request for the WTO membership, if it has any concern for the struggle of the brave Iranians who have not given up hope for a secular democratic regime in spite of confronting a brutal regime and all its western supporters.

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