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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Elbaradei: Iran's dossier to be closed

UN Nuclear Watchdog Chief Mohamed Elbaradei said in an interview with IRNA, "Iran's nuclear dossier at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) would be closed once all remaining questions would be promptly answered." READ MORE

Elbaradei who was talking to IRNA following his election as the IAEA Chief for the third consecutive term added, "We are proceeding, but there are still certain unresolved issues, about which I would present a report to the IAEA Board of Governors on Tuesday." He expressed hope that Iran would continue its transparent policy in reflecting the truth regarding its nuclear programs to the IAEA in shortest possible time.

ElBaradei reiterated, "The ball is in Iran's field now and the sooner Iran would provide us with the required information the sooner would be able to solve the remaining issues."

He added, "It it to Iran's benefit to cooperate with the IAEA in all required fields, including in provision of the required information, and in providing access to the people we would like to interview."

The IAEA Chief reiterated, "In my report on Iran to the Board of Governors, I would refer to the fact that Iran has made easier IAEA inspectors' access to nuclear material and sites, and remained aithful to its commitment to keep suspending its uranium enrichment activities."

Elbaradei said, "We have achieved progress in finding the roots of nuclear pollution in Iran and Pakistan, too, has cooperated with us satisfactorily in that respect."

He said all the same, "I would also stress in my report that the IAEA is still in need of access to further information to clarify the range of activities and nature of Iran's centrifuge devices." He expressed hope that the Iranians would accelerate the trend of their cooperation with the IAEA.

In response to IRNA's question on his most important activities in his third term at the IAEA, Elbaradei said, "Atomic energy has broad usage in various fields, such as agricultural activities, medicine and water management, and one of my priorities would be making sure that all interested nations would enjoy the right to benefit from atomic energy's blessings."

He added, "Another priority of mine is providing nuclear security for the world nations through making sure about observation of the nuclear-Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and pushing forth the global nuclear disarmament that calls for international cooperation." The IAEA Chief said, "The IAEA has broad responsibilities, among which taking advantage of the nuclear energy for non-military purposes at global level are among the most important ones."

ElBaradei also stressed, "We are obliged to exert closer control over the the cycle of nuclear fuel production by different nations and we seek international cooperation in that, and other regards." The IAEA Board of Governors unanimously re-elected its Chief ElBaradei for his third consecutive four-year term in its Monday session.