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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Ganji's Manifesto now in English

A new website, Free Ganji has published both a Persian and English language version of Iranian dissident Akbar Ganji's now famous Republican Manifesto II.

Akbar Ganji has called for a boycott of the June 17th elections inside of Iran. He was imprisoned for exposing the Iranian regime's role in the murder of Iranian dissident, implicating leaders such as Rafsanjani.

If you are interested in discovering the strength of the Iranian spirit, read this manifesto.
Here is an excerpt from the preface:
Annihilating the author [Ganji] may make the Leader happy, but there is no fear of death when it is for the sake of freedom and respect for human rights. The "game of death" began a long time before today. It is not possible to block the flood of freedom by criminal acts. Be assured that the horizon of freedom will open and the children of the land of Iran will witness, in not so distant future, a government that is obliged to respect human rights.