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Sunday, June 12, 2005

Movement's Coordinator slams regime's electoral show in VOA Satellite TV Program

SMCCDI (Information Service):
Aryo B. Pirouznia, the SMCCDI Coordinator, slammed Islamic regime's 'electoral' show in a satellite TV interview made today with the Persian section of Voice of America (VOA). The live interview in duplex and from VOA's studios in Los Angeles was also broadcasted simultaneously by VOA Radio and on VOA Internet. READ MORE

Answering to Anooshirvan Kangarloo of VOA, on future prospects after the June 27th Islamic elections, Pirouznia stated: "The regime hopes to show an image of popular support for its foreign negociations... Nothing will really change for Iranians and some of what we're witnessing now, such as, young hired girls and boys supporting Hashemi is nothing else than a desperate advertisement...Iranians are well aware of such games and how the regime's trying to play them.. Iranians will give a political slap to the face of such demagogues..."

In other part of the interview, Pirouznia added:" We're sure that freedom will come to Iran as the masses are better aware of various parameters and their abilities... We're looking for the day that there won't be any thing such as a political prisoner in Iran.

Pirouznia made also another related matters interview on June 9th with VOA Radio and he's scheduled for another radio interview on June 12th.