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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Non-Violent regime change scholar closing doors for lack of funding.

Gene Sharp, author of some of the finest work on non-violent regime change methodology is being forced to close his Albert Einstein Institution due to lack of funding. His work has served as a blueprint for democratic forces around the world and has been credited for playing a significant role in the toppling of these totalitarian regimes. I will be publishing an interview with him in the coming weeks.

In a recent conversation I had with this scholar he lamented the fact that at the moment his works are receiving international use and acclaim at the same time he is running out funds. He expressed amazement that this critical work may end for this reason.

If you know of any foundation, institution, agency or individual that can help him continue his work, please contact them at They need at least $350,000 a year to operate the institute.

They have many of their publication available in downloadable form for free, here. If you can read nothing else, read this one. Here is a Farsi version.