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Monday, June 13, 2005

Women defy Gender Apartheid at Tehran University

SMCCDI (Information Service):
Hundreds of maverick Iranian women and female students have gathered in front of Tehran University in order to protest against Islamic regime's backwarded policy of Gender Apartheid. Hundreds more men and male students have joined them in support despite heavy security measures and presence of regime's brutal plainclothes men. READ MORE

Several fearless female demonstrators have taken off their mandatory veils despite knowing being filmed by security agents.

Slogans, such as, "Na Roosari, Na Toossari" (No Veil, No Submission), "Marg bar Estebdad" (Down with Dictatorship), "Faryad e har Irani, Azadi, Azadi" (Freedom, Freedom, Slogan of each Iranian), "Toop, Tank Bassiji, Digar Assar Nadarad" (Gun, Tank, Bassij -paramilitaries- have no more effect) are shouted by protesters.

Already sporadic clashes have taken place by Enghelab and Ferdowsi squares as security forces are intending to block more supporters to join the demonstrators.
Update: Here are a few photos of women being arrested by policewomen.