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Sunday, July 10, 2005

6th Anniversary of Student Uprising

On the sixth anniversary of the Student Uprising no one is yet to be charged with the murder of Ezzat Ebrahimnejad who lost his life in the protests. His family has announced that they are not interested in revenge and as such will not press charges against the murderer if he were to come forward.

After the court case held three months ago, their lawyer Nemat Ahmadi stated: "during the hearing as is customary, the judge said that if the family wanted to press charges against an individual for the murder of the son, they should do so. The parents responded that they were not in Tehran during the student uprising on the day of their son's death and therefore are unable to point to any one individual.

Nemat Ahmadi then clarified that the culprit should be sought among the police and plain clothed security forces present at the uprising because his clients' son was shot with a gun and the police and security forces were the only armed with guns. He later explained that though the court has summoned members of the police and plains clothes men, it has not identified any suspects.

At the time of the uprising Ezzat Ebrahimnejad was a twenty-four year old law school graduate serving his two year conscription. He went to the University that day to visit his friends and he participated in the protest marches. His friends who witnessed some of the events claim he was marked for silencing and murder because he had been an active member of the student protest movement and had been clearly identified as an agitator.

His sister who received the body said he had been badly beaten and that his hands had been tied behind his back. He had a wound on his temple from a bullet which had exited through one eye. There were also deep knife wounds in his groin area. When the family asked about these wounds they were given a dubious explanation that they were a result of the autopsy performed after his death. READ MORE

In addition to Ebrahimnejad's death, several students were badly beaten and many more arrested and now serving long prison terms. Though one solider was found guilty of stealing an electric shaver, Ebrahimnejad's slayer has not been pursued or captured.

Nemat Ahmadi, the family's lawyer said the judicial system must settle this case and let the family know whether it can bring to court their son's killer or not. The judiciary in Iran who is so quick to try and jail university students to long sentences is in no hurry to find Ezzat Ebrahimnejad's executioners.