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Sunday, July 24, 2005

ATTENTION!!! Ganji's life is in danger!
Compatriots, according to the news we have received, Akbar Ganji is going to be operated on the meniscus of his knee tomorrow (Monday 25 July 2005).

Since that operation is going to be performed against Ganji’s will and that of his family and is by no means necessary and taking into account his physical conditions in his 42 day of hunger strike and news block-out and especially because of the extremely dark profile of the rulers of Iran in widespread, continuous and programmed violations of human rights in Iran, we “Iranian Human Rights Activists of Europe and North America” express our deep concern and ask all our compatriots and the worldwide human rights organizations to keep their vigil and spread the news about Akbar Ganji and his condition as fast and as broadly as possible and to help save his life by demanding his immediate and unconditional release.

"Iranian Human Rights Activists of Europe and North America"