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Saturday, July 02, 2005

The Exodos

Ramin Parham, Iran-Shahr Blog:
History is a tragedy. From the prologue, that gives the mythological background necessary for understanding the events of the play, to the final exodos, where the chorus exits the scene singing a processional song that offers words of wisdom related to the outcome of the play, there are many episodes, but there is, always, unities of time, place, and action. The variables are the characters...


Had their appearances on the scene been synchronistic, Lenin, Hitler, and Khomeini would have sung the oracle in unison. "Others did the talk; we did the walk!" shouted "the minority bolshevik sect" in 1917 at their marxists brother-enemies of the II International Socialist (1). Our National Socialist revolution is the destiny of Germany, commanded Ernst Roehm, Head of the Sturm Abteilung, SA troopers (2). "America can't do a damn thing", exploded Khomeini in rage (3). "We can!" reiterated Ahmadinejad (4).

They all hated the West. They all hated the singularity of Man. They all unleashed hell upon mankind forging their "alternative model" of Man and society.

Episode I: Germany, June 30, 1934, the Hanslbauer Hotel at Wiessee

Dissecting the bloody purge of June 1934, in which the Nazi SS "Elite Echelon" eliminated their once revolutionary allies, the SA "Storm Troopers", William Shirer gives a chilling historical account on the streamlining of National Socialism within the power struggle of the dying Weimar Republic.

During that hot summer of 1934, in the second year of Hitler's Chancellorship, the darkening of the sky, says Shirer, was due to 3 "unresolved and interrelated problems": a) the unfading strong inclination of the Socialist component of National Socialism, the SA leadership, dominated by thugs, "peculators", "former cabaret bouncers", "horse dealers", "former hotel bellhops", "convicted murderers" and "drunkards", all embodied in the person of the "roughneck" Roehm, head of the "brownshirts", for the continuation of the "revolution", thus alienating Hitler's political and financial potential backers and jeopardizing the "clandestine rearmament" undertaken by the Prussian-dominated Army, the Reishswehr; b) the continuing rivalry within the dual security apparatus of the SA and the regular Army; and, c) the succession problems raised by the prospect of Hindenburg's imminent death, whose days, in that hot summer of 1934, were numbered and known only to a selected few at the very top of the echelon. "The SA is and remains the destiny of Germany", had proclaimed Roehm on June 7, 1934. Dragged off his bed at the Hanslbauer Hotel at Wiessee, Roehm was terminated on June 30 of that same hot summer of 1934, along with hundreds of his fellow brownshirts in what later became to be known as the Night of the Long Knives, massacred by the SS and Goering's "personal police force" known as the Landespolizeigruppe General Goering!!

Episode II: Iran, July 1, 2005, University of Tehran

"All is left from martyr Mostafa Chamran (5) is a Kalashnikov, which the late Hafez al-Asad gave him as present, a set of trousers and a jacket, a library with a few thousand books, and 36,000 toomans [ca. US in current exchange rate]. Recalling martyr Chamran's key role in setting up islamic associations throughout the US and Europe and his undertakings in Egypt and Lebanon, today's Friday prayer first speaker reminded the audience that Chamran's personality, like that of all other martyrs, has something of the smell and color of the sacred icons of religion" (6).

"There has been a series of rumors circulating about me and my family ... During the years leading up to the islamic revolution, we donated a lot to militant groups ... as it became known, later, that the Monafeqin (7) group had deviated [from the straight path], [revengefully] we stopped our donations. Now they arespreading these rumors on us ... Last year, I told an assembly of clerics that at the time of the victory of the revolution my family was [already] a well-doing one, living above the average ... But from the revolution until today, my personal and family belonging is actually less than what it was prior to the revolution ... we have donated part of our belonging and spent the remaining for our children, which leaves us today with an average living standard" (8).

Ever-since 1979, on a week to week basis, the discursive content of what the official islamic jargon calls the "political religious Friday prayers", has rarely surpassed average anachronistic none-sense. What is interesting however in recent developments in "islamic Iran" is that the "continuation of the prophets' divine movement" is folding back onto its strange attractor: in the chaos of the revolution of islam, initial conditions are meant to be perpetuated in perpetual revolution and perpetual miserableness. The islamic revolution is the "continuation of Imam Hossein's red movement". It was not meant to be "just a revolt to seize power", but rather, "a step meant to prepare for the world revolution ... vanquishing world exploitation" (9). READ MORE


No one, except a selected few at the top of the islamic echelon, knows exactly whether Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader, is facing imminent death or not. One thing is sure though: Khamenei has his life behind him. It is also anybody's guess on how internal rivalries within the islamic establishment, from the control of the nuclear trigger to that of oil dollars and narcotics trade, will unfold. One thing is certain though: those selected few who seized power in violence with AK-47s offered by their Arab conspirators will be dragged off their beds and terminated in violence.

The unity of action will be maintained.

Notes and references:

(1) Michiavel et les Tyrannies Modernes. Raymond Aron. Editions de Fallois, Paris, 1993.

(2) Cf. The Blood Purge of June 30, 1934, in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A history of Nazi Germany. By William S. Shirer. A Fawcett Crest Book, New York, 1960.

(3) Ruhollah al-Khomeini reacting to the hostage taking episode at the US Embassy in Tehran, Iran, 1979.

(4) Slogan on the overlooking banner during the first press conference of Mahmood Ahmadinejad, the 9th islamic "president-elect".

(5) A founder, along with Ali Shariati, of the so-called "religious-nationalist" Nehzat Azadi movement in Iran Chamran played a key role as a strategist and organizer of the islamic revolution, in Iran, Lebanon, and Egypt. In the 60s, as a student at the University of California, Berkley, Chamran was a raucous anti-war protester who also opposed the land reform of the late Shah in Iran, 1962. Chamran's "heritage" is equally claimed by the so-called "reformers" and "hardliners". Mehdi Chamran, his brother, is a leading figure in the city council of Tehran and close collaborator of the "president-elect" Ahmadinejad.

(6) Excerpt from the speech of Mehdi Chamran, at today's Friday Prayer in Iran, Tehran University, reported by Fars News Agency.

(7) Monafeqin is the official denomination for the MEK or Mojahedin Khalq terrorist organization.

(8) Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, today's main speaker at Tehran's Friday prayer, reported by the Islamic Republic News Agency.

(9) Mahmood Ahmadinejad, the "president-elect", at a speech celebrating "martyr Beheshti and his 72 companions" of the Islamic Republic Party killed in a bomb blast in Iran in 1981. The number of casualties was very conveniently rounded up by the islamic propaganda to match the exact number of those who lost their lives alongside Imam Hossein 14 centuries ago in Iraq. Cf. Ansar News Agency, June 30, 2005 for Ahmadinejad's complete speech.

* Photography showing a "soldier kid" during the "Al-Qods Operation" in Iran-Iraq 8-year war. The religiously-named "operation" was one in several dozens in which thousands of kids were sent to Iraqi mine fields and swamps only to be slaughtered by machine guns and chemical warfare. Popular cynicism called these "one use only" kids "klinex soldeirs". Photography by Mahmood Farnood, Iran Crisis Photographers Association.