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Monday, July 04, 2005

Repression increases with approach of anniversary of Students' Uprising

SMCCDI (Information Service):
Repressive measures are increasing with the approach of the anniversary of Students' Uprising on July 9th.

The Islamic Republic regime which is intending to counter balance the unprecedented conjunction of International pressure and internal rejection, is playing its strong hand especially with the official appointment of Ahmadi-Nejad and the Pasdaran Corp. (Militia) Intelligence circles to the Executive branch.

Actions such as:
  • search of homes of identified opponents,
  • arbitrary arrests,
  • deployment of security plainclothes agents and militiamen in the streets, schools and universities,
  • search of cars,
  • confiscation of motorbikes and
  • dismantlement of underground groups specialized in creation of satellite receivers and printing are taking place.
Dismantlement of armed underground groups are also increasing
, and in the last two weeks alone, several such groups which are officially labeled of banditism or corruption have been identified and neutralized by the regime's special task force.

An increase of communications' control and intention to increase the jamming of satellite and radio transmissions have been reported.

The Islamist Leadership intends to avoid massive popular demonstrations or show of discontent in an unprecedented geopolitical factor opened in the aftermath of 9/11 and the dismantlement of the Taleban and Bathist regimes on the Eastern and Western borders of Iran. The turmoil created on the 'election' of Ahmadi-Nejad and the regime's nuclear activities have boosted the Islamist Leadership's concerns.

Officials' worries have reached unprecedented levels as millions of Iranians boycotted the sham Presidential elections of June 24th. All factions of the regime, including its Supreme Leader, had called for massive popular participation by qualifying it as a "show of legitimacy for the holy system" or a "slap to the face of US Imperialism"; But about 20 millions of those eligible to vote didn't participate in these elections according to the regime's official sources. Even the number of Twenty-Eight Millions of voters, advanced by the regime, is very questionable and many official reports were made about massive frauds by circles affiliated to the Militia.

The prospect of future is so dark for the regime, that calls are made, by all of its factions including the so-called losers of the sham Presidential elections, in favor of what is being qualified as "National Unity". Such move intends in reality to bring all believers of the Islamic regime to give hand to hand in order to protect the theocratic regime from its final collapse.
The 9th of July is the anniversary of a bloody crackdown on student demonstrators. It is a date that the pro-democracy forces remember well. This week will provide a glimpse of the strength of the pro-democracy forces in Iran.