Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Ganji at Death's Door: Waiting for Bad News

On the fiftieth day of Akbar Ganji's hunger strike, now the most important political news in Iran, no signs of change are evident. Masoumeh Shafiee, Ganji's wife, and her daughters constantly field calls from near and far regarding Mr. Ganji's condition.

Ganji's wife informed a group of supporters gathered outside their home that Mr. Ganji was aware of their vigil and asked her to return to the house and personally give them his regards. She also conveyed his message to a fellow prisoner who has undertaken a food strike in support of Ganji, "I'm am standing strong on my resolve and will not leave my post, please do not go on hunger strike, stay alive for your country and your freedom."

It appears all routes to resolving the crisis have been unsuccessfully tried. What remains for Ganji's supporters is prayer as they stand outside Milad hospital gazing up at the twelfth floor. Surrounded by dozens of security forces, this hospital, normally a place of healing, has become instead just another prison for Mr. Ganji. READ MORE

Mr. Eissa Saharkheez, a journalist, political activist and member of a team negotiating with Tehran prosecutor's office stated, "Mr. Ganji in response to pleas from his family agreed to a feeding tube but when his family was later denied access to him he discontinued the IV. Doctors see this trend in treatment as extremely dangerous and potentially resulting in death at any moment.”

Given what has transpired no one can confirm whether Ganji is still alive. Sharkheez concluded, "We are currently trying to reach Ganji's physicians and the hospital administration to determine his condition. Ganji's family members plan to visit him in the hospital this evening."