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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Regime's Attorney General's plans for total repression in Tehran

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzzi
The infamous Attorney General of the Islamic Republic, Saeed Mortazavi (known for personally torturing and murdering people - i.e. Zahra Kazemi) has come up with new plans for confronting women and young people in Tehran. In a statement, he said: "Effective immediately, coordinated efforts between the Central Command of the disciplinary forces, the office of Information and Security in the greater province of Tehran as well as the Basiji forces (a mobilization force created by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini; they are extremely Radical and supported by Khamenei) will be under way to purge Tehran from evildoers and elements of corruption."

Mortazavi was asked how the plans were to be implemented, to which he arrogantly replied: "People better not resist or fight us otherwise they too will meet with the fate of those very evildoers."