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Monday, September 26, 2005

Iran extends crackdown on dissenters by one month

Iran Focus: a pro-MEK website
Tehran’s Islamic Revolutionary Prosecutor, Saeed Mortazavi, announced on Monday that a 20-plan to fight “trouble-makers”, or dissidents, in the Iranian capital was to be extended by one month.

Speaking to reporters, Mortazavi said that the plan had been “very successful and State Security Forces had been able to make many arrests.

Mortazavi said that there was the possibility that the plan would be carried out indefinitely. READ MORE

“Our aim in the carrying out of these striking plans is that the Intelligence Ministry in Tehran Province, the Bassij, the SSF, and the Tehran Prosecutor’s Office work together in a comprehensive operation to uproot trouble-makers; fortunately we have been successful in this regard”.

This plan has been extended from September 27 till October 26”, the chief prosecutor said, adding that many of those detained would soon be tried in a special court tasked with dealing exclusively with “trouble-makers”.

Authorities routinely refer to anti-government activists or ordinary people deemed to act in un-Islamic ways as trouble-makers.