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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Qom School of Religious Clerics Thank Terrorist President of Iran for His Stance on Nukes

Winston, The Spirit of Man:
According to Iranian Students News Agency, the head of religious school of clerics in Qom has sent an appreciation letter to Ahmadinejad with regard to his useless speech at the UN General Assembly last week and the position of his government in the recent confrontations with the west over the nuclear issues.

Hojjat-ol-eslam Busheri, the head of religious school of Mullahs wrote:

The speeches of Pres. Ahmadinejad had the original message of the Islamic Revolution which meant to draw attention of people around the world to the readiness of mankind for the presence of the 12th Imam of Shiites (Imam Zaman - Imam of the ages) who in fact, is the only person able to lead all people to the final prosperity and happiness.
What worries me, is that the idiot Mullahs like this guy in Qom, think this new tiny guy, Ahmadinejad, is going to help them make the world ready for the reappearance of their savior, 12th Imam and it might mean more bloodshed and terrorist activities around the world.

More blood should be shed, according to their cult, in order to make the man ready to accept the presence of their savior.