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Monday, October 17, 2005

15 people arrested in the mountains of Turkey

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
According to reports, during recent days, 15 Iranians have been arrested in the mountains of Turkey and charged with transport of smuggled petrol. According to Turkish authorities they had transported 20,000 liters of heating fuel and petrol into Turkey. The petrol is transported on 270 mules. The detainess were put on trial in the town of Van on Monday, Oct. 17th. The Iranians in question crossed over the Western Azerbaijan borders into Turkey and were arrested by the Van authorities near the Baash-Qal'eh area.

One of the detainees reports: "I have four children and in our village which is near the town of Orumiyeh, unemployment rages on and I have no choice but to take all kinds of risks in order to feed my family. We buy petrol in Iran at 10 cents a liter and sell it, across the border, in Turkey at almost 90 cents."