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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

In the 21st century nearly 25% of women between 15 and 49 are illiterate in Iran

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
One of the most important factors for the death of newborn babies in Iran is the mothers' illiteracy. The regime-run news agency ILNA, in a documented report concludes that according to recent research the mortality rate of newborn babies in Iran has increased over recent years due to the lack of education among women. The main reason for such infant mortality rate under one year of age is malnutrition, which stems from poverty and the lack of clean drinking water. Pregnant women are deprived of healthy and proper portions of food. Nutrition experts in Tehran say that many Iranian families, especially workers and laborers do not seem to get any protein or other forms of healthy nutrition because. READ MORE

Based on the latest results, which were published on Monday, Oct. 17th, 24.8% of women between 15 and 49 are illiterate in Iran. The highest rate of illiteracy is in the province of Sistan & Baluchistan, at 55.2%, then in Kurdistan, at 43.3% and finally in the industrial province of Esfahan 18.6%.